"Всё в тебе", в смысле, нравится аффтару всё в некой женщине. Сочинено до наступления эпохи трансгендера и повальной педерастии.
Popular song written by Cole Porter and published in 1954.
It was introduced by Don Ameche in the Broadway musical Silk Stockings and featured in the film version as well, when it was sung by Fred Astaire.
Don Ameche and Hildegarde Neff
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Элла Фитцджералд
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Guymon Ensley Quintet
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Sacha Distel
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Miles Davis
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Jocelyn Barth
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I love the look of you, the lure of you
The sweet of you, the pure of you
The eyes, the arms, the mouth of you
The east, west, north and the south of you
I'd love to gain complete control of you
And handle even the heart and soul of you
So love, at least, a small percent of me, do
For I love all of you
I'd love to gain complete control of you
And handle even the heart and soul of you
So love, at least, a small percent of me, do
For I love all of you, for I love all of you
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