Nicola in another Big Finish Audio

Oct 29, 2013 14:34

So I totally was on a bit of a Nicola high after season three of Scott and Bailey finished up in Australia last week (and damn Nicola you were phenomenal as Helen Barlett) and saw a very interesting tweet link crop up on my twitter feed from Big Finish:

17 October 2013
Categories: Doctor Who - Main Range, Doctor Who - Philip Hinchcliffe Presents, Doctor Who - The Early Adventures, Doctor Who - 50th Anniversary, Doctor Who - Destiny of the Doctor, Doctor Who - Bonus Releases, Doctor Who - Fourth Doctor Adventures, Doctor Who - Special Releases, Doctor Who - Short Trips, Doctor Who - The Lost Stories, Doctor Who - Eighth Doctor Adventures, Doctor Who - The Companion Chronicles, Doctor Who - Dark Eyes, General Big Finish News
Big Finish has just completed the studio sessions for Dark Eyes 2, the follow-up to last year’s blockbuster Eighth Doctor audio box set Dark Eyes. Naturally, Paul McGann is at the controls of the TARDIS, sporting his leather jacket, and is once again joined by Ruth Bradley (Primeval, Stardust, Grabbers) as Molly O’Sullivan. And this time, Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) is along for the ride too!

‘We left Molly wandering off back to her life of blood sweat and tears as a nursing assistant during World War One last time,’ explains writer, director and executive producer of Dark Eyes 2, Nick Briggs. ‘This time, things have moved on for her and she doesn’t return to the Doctor’s side in quite the way that many might expect.’

Also encountering the Doctor again is the character Liv Chenka, played by Nicola Walker (Spooks, Prisoner’s Wives, Scott and Bailey) who first appeared in the Big Finish audios alongside Sylvester McCoy’s Seventh Doctor in the acclaimed Robophobia (sequel to classic series story The Robots of Death).

‘We thought it would be fun for Liv to bump into the Doctor again,’ explains line producer David Richardson, ‘and Nicola is such a brilliant actress who was great fun to work with.’ This time round, she encounters the Doctor during a Dalek occupation of the planet Nixyce VII. But it’s not just the Daleks the Doctor will be battling in Dark Eyes 2.

‘Ardent Big Finish fans may have detected the rumbling of something called The Eminence in our stories,’ teases Briggs. ‘It’s something that’s going to affect more than one of the Doctors and it starts to make its presence felt in this story.’

Also making his presence felt will be Alex Macqueen (The Thick of It, The Inbetweeners) returning as the Master, following his highly popular debut in last year’s Seventh Doctor box set UNIT: Dominion. ‘Frankly, Alex has been hassling us to bring him back for some time,’ laughs Nick, ‘But he needn’t have. He’s brilliant and his character has developed a particularly disturbing scheme this time.’

Dark Eyes 2 will be released in February 2014. You can pre-order it, along with its follow-ups, Dark Eyes 3 and 4 (which will follow in late 2014 and early 2015) for a special low, low price at


I loved Liv Chenka so am very excited by this news. Has anyone listened to Dark Eyes? What did you think thus far?

brb flailing forever, possible fangasm, squee time, nicola walker owns my soul, doctor who, guest star of win, character: liv chenka

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