Nicola in New Drama

Jan 08, 2012 09:00

sofie_sanctuary and my friend Liga have both mentioned Nicola in a new six part family drama entitled Antony and Cleopatra. It is not an adaptation of the Shakespeare play Antony and Cleopatra but it is possible themes are similar. The 6 part 60 minute drama is about two older people who fall in love but whose family complications cause tangles. Nicola is a family member named Gillian. No idea how big or small this role is.

There is no other information about this role thus far but I will keep you updated.

As previously stated, Nicola is also in Inside Men early this year and will later be a guest star in an episode of New Tricks.

Personally speaking, I think we should all mob Stephan Moffat on twitter and get Nicola on new Doctor Who as a Series Seven guest star except I don't have twitter. Then I'd really get excited about 2012.

give this woman her own show already!, antony and cleopatra, guest star of win

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