A Nicola Christmas Book

Sep 30, 2011 08:26

Well as we all know Spooks Series Ten is the last series EVER of Spooks (which mean no more Ruth Evershed!) I have discussed this with a bunch of people and we all thought it might be nice if this community made a Christmas book for Nicola this year- letting her know we appreciated her LOADS in the show etc.

doctoreleven have created birthday books for Karen and Matt and HBC fandom did one for her last year and these guys all loved theirs. I am sure Nicola will love hers too!

I thought everyone could write their own message (as little or as much as you like within reason) and then Emily and I came up with some other suggestions;

- poems about Ruth/other characters
- fan art
- graphics
- coded messages for Nicola to solve
- cartoons
- photographs of Spooks locations/you holding up signs in Spooks locations reading "Merry Christmas Nicola" or something along those lines
- photographs of you holding up signs anywhere really :P
- pics of spy related things
-Fave quotes/scenes in Spooks etc

All entries can be emailed to me or mailed to me in hard copy if you want (send me a PM and I'll provide relevant info) by no later than November 30th This gives me time to put the book together, decorate it and mail it to Nicola's agent :)

Any queries, suggestions etc can go in the comments... oh and we can extend this out to other comm's in a bit when we've got this all sorted out ourselves!

If you would like an example of what the book might look like, these are the public photos from Helena's birthday book: http://mrs-lovett.org/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=847

spooks, mod post, character: ruth evershed, join the love train

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