
Jun 17, 2010 13:12

I went to the allotment last night, having been unable to go for several days due to various stuff. Anyway, things are romping along nicely. Here are a list of the beds I have in:

Bed 1: chard, rainbow chard, beetroot, parsnips. All doing really well so far. Thinned everything out last night and going to eat the thinnings as salad tonight. I detest thinning seedlings out, but at least I can eat these ones.

Bed 2: cabbage and kohl rabbi - doing really well too. I nearly killed the kohl rabi for some reason, but it seems to have taken to being planted really well. The cabbage is looking pretty nice too and some of it is starting to develop hearts.

Bed 3: courgettes and squash. Suffered a little because I haven't been able to water it a lot recently, but is looking good despite that. The plants that are doing well are really doing well, the weaker ones look pretty crappy though.

Bed 4: Garlic and onions. The first bed to get planted up, its looking rather lovely and the onions are starting to swell up. They have lovely long, green tops, which is nice. I've still got them covered in net just in case the birds try and have a go at them.

Bed 5: potatoes. One or two plants are starting to get flowers on now. Very exciting. Now all I need to do is remember which ones are the earlies...

Bed 6: Broccoli. Also looking good, despite the bed being choked with weeds. Had a bit of a clear out, so it should continue to do ok. Will need thinning though soon.

Bed 7: Strawberries. Looking good, but I find myself a bit dis-interested in them for some reason - probably because no matter how hard I try, I only ever get three or four strawbs off.

Bed 8: Pumpkin and squash. Three of the pumpkin have died through lack of water, but the rest look reasonable, the squash are doing better though. I have a couple of replacement courgette plants at home that I will bung in the spaces that are left.

Home: Broad beans have started podding now. Woot! Can't wait to start eating them, which is a good things as I suspect that I will be overrun with them as I have grown far too many. The freezer will be filled though. Peas also podding with mange tout, but not at the same rate. Going to let bunny eat them off the plant as I don't think I planted enough and suspect that we won't even get a meal out of them.

Essentially, I love growing stuff.
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