Things that make you go YIP

Jan 22, 2007 06:18

So there was a game we used to play at a buddy's house called "Getting to know you". We all sat around and drew cards and the person with the highest had to ask a question and then everyone had to answer it. And generally the one question that was always asked was "What do you think of everyone in this room?". Usually when totally plastered. Really gay I know, but who bloody cares. It passed the time. I kinda miss playing it cause we got some funny fucking answers to some funny fucking questions. And still to this day there is only one answer that really fucked with me. "You're like Tom and Jerry. The cat running from the mouse." Well this kitty ain't pussy no more. I gots me a girl, and stayed around for over a year, plus we're moving in together soon (as soon as we get off our asses :D).

Take that life. You my bitch now.

Other than that, I got nothing. Work is busier than hell lately, and I'm addicted to video games as of late. I'm still drinking..go figure, and I still have extreme hatred for most, if not all of humanity.

I am highly bored though, and I want to go challenge a god or destroy someone's life. It's been all too long. Anyone wanna join?

Oh, and in case anyone had any doubts...$ cartons of smokes can in fact last me a month if not more. Ha, and you only gave me two weeks.
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