Jun 15, 2010 22:31
- 09:44 @ missdestructo no KMFDM here sadly, only Angelspit and Combiechrist #
- 12:00 @ Agent_Akin the ability to punch through walls and have Red Faction style building/terrain demolition would add to the variable playstyles #
- 17:05 @ desktophippie it knows you all too well, as do we all (or at least, some of us) #
- 19:11 @ Agent_Akin and this is why I have no interest in trading in my 3 year old phone. It does perfectly fine (mostly) and no ordering hassles. #
- 19:19 @ Agent_Akin of course I'm jealous, we're not allowed to keep long-arms in our zombie/riot/apocalypse emergency packs #
- 19:24 @ Agent_Akin yeah, sadly i'll be missing SDCC (and even more sadly) sold off my ticket/room prior to asking people if they'd want them #
- 19:25 @ Agent_Akin so any visit will be non-con associated. enjoy the rest of E3 (they still charging $15 for a stale hotdog?) #
- 19:29 The enemy of my enemy is a problem for another day. For now, they might be useful. #
- 19:31 Before anyone panics, I'm only skipping #SDCC (and going to the local #AVCon that weekend), still intent on attending #Dragon*Con #
- 19:35 @ Agent_Akin do I need to storm your domicile and confiscate all tweeting mediums? #
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