Sep 04, 2012 04:38
Okay, its been a while since I have updated this thing. What all is new? Alex is back in school and is doing well, given his situation.
We had a court appearance for Child Support this past spring. The Butler County Courts ruled in our favor, Beth did show up for the Child Support court appearance. All I can say is she was nasty looking; dressed up as some kind of emo-goth in all black, with her hair 3 different colours (blonde, red and black), and she smelled of BO and pot (yes I know what is smells like from my friends of the past). she didn't contest the court order for child support at the court appearance. We both spoke directly to the court officer, while not saying a single word to each other. Frankly I was glad that we didnt speak to each other because after everything that she put me through in Toledo, and that she did to my son, I really want nothing to do with the woman.
My father and Alex were present for the court appearance. I know that Alex tried to go up to her and hug her or say something to her, and she acted like he didnt even exist. So Alex is extremely hurt by her actions and more than a little angry at her. Based on my conversations with Alex, he has no intention of EVER forgiving her for what she did to him and that court appearance and her actions there were the proverbial straw that broke the camels back.
This summer went somewhat okay; I went to a gaming convention and attempted to sell the Beadwork necklaces that I make and the Stardust Publications products. That didnt go so well mainly because the woman running the convention didnt seem to understand or respect the fact that her venders paid to be there and they she had to listen to our concerns. I barely broke even at the convention.
I have finally started getting some graphic design assignments at the end of the summer through some game companies. So far it hasnt been alot of money, but at least its finally starting to pay for Mine and Alex's cell phone and for some gas.
Still alot going on that I can not talk about openly until I can manage to get a divorce from Beth. And at this point, she is now 3 months behind on her Child Support order which totals up to about 500 dollars, closer to 600 dollars. So today when I get up I'm going to be calling the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) and letting them know that she isnt paying her court ordered child support for Alex. Hopefully they will either force her to pay up, or just put her deadbeat ass in jail where it belongs. I have no intention of attempting to contact her about the behind Child Support, I figure telling the CSEA should be enough on my part to handle it.
And...if she ends up going to jail for failure to pay her child support, that will only strengthen my case for sole custody when I finally have the money to go into court and get a legal divorce from her. What judge in his right mind would side with a parent that is refusing to pay a Child Support order?
Past that, just trying to get by here at my folks house. Dad is in a nursing home right now recovering from breaking his leg and opposite foot. So for the next 2 to 3 weeks it will be just me,Alex, and my mother in the house.
I do have a girlfriend right now, her name is Anna. Right now its a long distance relationship ; her being in Las Vegas and me being in Cincinnati. But we're working to bridge that gap and get her moved out here to Cincinnati sometime this year or early next year.
Anyways, I guess thats all for now.