Evil plans...are good.

Mar 06, 2014 11:07

So yeah. . . . WOW.

The last couple of months have been a roller coaster.  I decided late last year that I would attempt to get into the University of Washington.   I had enough credits to transfer....I even got my ducks in line with my old transcripts.   Crazy thing happened a couple of weeks ago.  I got in.

I am not a UW Husky.  a Dawg if you will.  It's been nuts.  I loved how subtle the acceptance letter was.  A huge envelope that had "YOU'RE IN" plastered all over it.  Weak kneed I managed to get through the rest of the process to confirm my spot.  I've seen my councilor, I've registered.  I even have my husky card.  WOOT!

Now it's the nervous wait to find out what my employer will do.  My plan is to flex my schedule so I can work and go to school for both the spring quarter and summer.  This will give me the chance to knock out the last class I need for my program and also to take a Spanish 102 class that I'm lacking.  Go fig. . they require 2 years of language.  I have 1 year of French, 1 year of Spanish.   Booo.

So yeah. . there we go. . . I am in a university, and if I'm to believe my councilor, applying to the program is just a formality, I am on my way to being an Engineer.

Go me.

Now I just need to survive the rest of this quarter.  Java programming is being a slight pain in my ass.


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