Jun 24, 2011 03:58
day 34: your horoscope for today and whether you think it’s accurate
I don't follow horoscopes that I might find online. They're usually spewed out with a generic message that would apply to the masses. I would love to find someone that can actually do a personalized one. I would actually give that the time of day.
day 35: words you live by, why do you like them
"There can be only one" It can mean a lot of things to many people . . . to be happy, is to be in pain. . . mainly because there is only so much happieness in the world, that when you do feel it, someone else doesn't. . . . but you really can't worry about that or else you would go mad. So in the end, you really should just focus on your own happiness.
day 36: what you think about your friends
A wonderfull bunch of crazy people.
day 37: who are you.
I am a dreamer with large goals, and trying my damndest to make them happen.
day 38: thoughts on your generation.
I would like to believe I am part of the generation where technology gained dominance and where we're trying to find a balance between fucking ourselves over by totally trashing our plannet, and living in a greener hippy commune..., Mostly though, most of my generation is made up of happy meals on legs.
day 39: why you think you’ve learned more from the good or the bad?
I don't think I've learned more from the good than the bad. The bad is what's forged me to be who I am. The good is just a perk of living on this rock.