Jan 29, 2006 05:37

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


"help i have done it again..."

i was 6 feet i thought...but days turn into nights...and nights to weeks... and weeks turn into months and i clawed out of the scraped under my fingernails, coughing dirt....oxygen gasped monday (not so blue this time i suppose)

"i have been here many times before..."

no longer trusting these incessant butterflies wriggling in my chest demanding release....yet here they fly out of my mouth, exploding in wings and pigment and exoskelaton and blood.

"hurt myself again today..."

got the scars telling all of my secrets (shhh..) open gums teeth gnashing tumbling headfirst....

"and the worst part is there's no one else to blame"

hold my wrists over my head, no need to tie them, i'll never move.

"be my friend, hold me, wrap me up, unfold me..."

my skin tells the story, roadmaps yet turn on this ride around the carousel...before i was born i was fire, before i was flame i was ash....and the ash lends endless possibilties.

"i am small and needy, warm me up and breathe me..."

please.please. please. please. please. please. please.please.

(i am unaccustomed to tact.)....but ridiculously close to want and near re-fuel. (cynicism was never my strong point).

"ouch, i have lost myself again...."

so i guess the mirrors kinda cracked (yeah.) but you can still see your's just a matter of really looking.

"lost myself and i am nowhere to be found...."

when you get so soft i can feel from states across....and time zones have no bearing on my spinning head, and i wonder how...but there you are in my room, laying next to me with kindess in your hands elicited from a smooth twang.

"i think that i might break..."

smoke me. smother me. crave me. eat me. throw me down and pick me up. drink me lush. soothe me. slave me. kiss me. crush my chest. rip my bones. put me in the corner. give me faith. kill me.

"lost myself again and i feel unsafe..."

my name came out damaged goods. fucked off the assembly line. raped out of her lips, now seek up. (i knock on yours.)

"be my friend hold me, wrap me up, unfold me..."

lets lay in your bed and fall in our eyes. can it be just right? and i'll bury my head into your shoulder when your to much to look at directly...

"i am small and needy.."

sunrise/sunset. sunrise/sunset. sunrise/ sunset. (there is still so much i am unsure of....this is not one of them.)

"warm me up and breathe me..."

and. i. will. breathe. (you.)

4:23 AM - 5 Comments - 9 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


i dreamed the stars, the one's i wish on, collapsed last night.

Posted by Scott on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 7:09 AM
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nutrition for the brain

Posted by jenny on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 8:16 PM
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learnit. liveit. loveit. <3

OHMY. this is hardcore.



Posted by learnit. liveit. loveit. <3 on Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 8:10 AM
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oy veah. that takes my breath away. You really are a writer

Posted by Angie on Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 1:21 PM
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Now I understand why you always made people go away so you could have your "alone time." Never thought you were the kind to retreat into the darkness while leaving your flashlight behind. --- I like it.

Posted by Mullethead on Friday, January 27, 2006 at 10:56 PM
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