Man, I can't believe this (_ _)...
I lost the ebay auction for a wacom bamboo tablet! ;o;
The winning bid was $150--I would have won if I had stuck with my initial max bid! >.<
It's times like this that makes me wanna just buy the blooming thing at retail price, instead of trying to fight for it on ebay >:(
Anyway, I'm trying to keep my "recent loss" from influencing my shopping decisions; just bcuz I don't spend the money on the wacom tablet doesn't mean it has to leave my pockets!
However, I treated myself to some bargain shopping at a local Walmart yesterday. I was specifically looking for a Bratz Felicia doll, which going by other online stores must be considered a rare collector's item at this point (seriously, this doll is posted as much as $40 at some places!) There's a seller on ebay that has the Baby Felicia doll for about $22 shipped, of which I'm considering. This walmart I went to has rid itself of all Felicia dolls unfortunately. BUT! Guess what I found for $3.50 each :3've seen these at another walmart sometime in april, but they were still $7.00!
I helped myself to four sweetheart sashas to customize :3 There was one Sweetheart Yasmin, but I left her behind--that would have been one too many. Besides, I can get a Yasmin any time.
The outfit is really pretty, but it's somewhat cheap material-wise. I have an idea for at least one pair of twins, and I may keep one as is.
And speaking of walmart online browsing: okay, I won't say Mattel's jumping on the collab wagon just because JP did that Melody Pullip.
It's actually quite nice :)
But when am I going to see some "Barbie loves Final Fantasy VII" dolls?! >:0
But when am I going to see some "Barbie loves Final Fantasy VII" dolls?!
(note to self: make FF7 fan custom barbie)