Puzzle Kanazawa

Jul 20, 2009 14:39

Yasu is not blond anymore! It’s not black-black either, more of a brownish color
Tacchon’s chair for the drums now has a backstand (...or am I just late to notice?)

Saturday 1st

-Yoko wrote in his J-web that it’s their first time coming here (Ishikawa)
Yoko: Sorry, I made a mistake
Yasu: We came here during the 47 tour!!
Yoko: Yeah, but we went around so many places!!!! 47 of them! How am I supposed to remember everything!
Audience: Eeeeh!!!!

Maru: Even though we may forget the hall, we all remember you guys ♥
Audience: Kyaaaa

Yoko: ...He always gets the good parts.. *pouts*

-Yoko’s singing abilities
Yoko: Ahh… I can’t relax today… (←everyone’s like Huh?)
Yoko: Yesterday, except for Ryo, we all went out to eat. And Yasu told me, “Yokoyama-kun, you got better at singing!”
Yasu: *nods*
Yoko: So I got kinda happy, you know? Then Okura comes in saying “But during Gigamajimega Fight, you can raise the volume a bit”
Tatsu: *nods*
Yoko: …I-I’m always trying my best…But because of what Okura said, I couldn't concentrate on my singing today..

-Singing talk continues
Yoko: Am I really getting better?
Hina: Everyone’s better than before!
Yoko: You think you got better too?
Hina: Yeah I do! (loud voice) Even though I suck compared to people like Subaru, I really have improved a lot!

-Yoko doesn’t like that, lol
Yoko: In Johnny’s, how many people are lower than you? (as in, can’t sing more than him)
Hina: …About half!
Yoko: WHAT?! HALF?!?! You think you’re better than half of Johnny’s?!?! So you think you can go in between the good people, like Tsuyoshi-kun, Tegoshi, Subaru and stuff???!?!?

-Then Tacchon speaks up
Tatsu: ..I accidently heard him say this, but when we went on a TV show together with Arashi before… When Matsumoto-kun was singing the part in ‘One Love’, Hina-chan said “I can do better”
Audience: Ehhhhh?!?
Yoko: You..you can’t say that…
Hina: What! But its true!
Yoko: …Then sing! Right here!

-So the staffs put a spotlight on Hina
Hina: Hyaaaaaakuneee~~~n Sakimooo~~~ Ai wo chikau yooooo~~~!!!!!!!! (even a hundred years from now, I’ll swear my love)

Yoko: Even though you might promise your love till 100 years after, the time when you’ll get better at singing will be in a thousand years!! (← XDDDDD )

-Subaru is amused
Yoko: If I were you, I’ll never be able to sing after saying that.
Subaru: .............Yoko! Yoko! Yoko! (starts a Yoko-call)

Yoko: wait, what?!? ...Noooo!! No way!!!!
Audience/Subaru: Yoko! Yoko!

Yoko: w-wait! Then let’s janken! And the person who loses sings!

-Eito ignores the request
Subaru: …Then you can sing with Hina!
Hina: ooh, sure!

Yoko: Why are you so into it…

Subaru: Go sing in the center!
Hina: Should we face back to back?

Subaru: Yeah, yeah, yeah! And then look at each other from the middle!

-Yoko starts running away to the edge of the stage
Hina: Hey, we’re starting now! (chases after Yoko and grabs his fingertips)
and drags him onto the center stage like that
Subaru: Oh, you can use the lifters too!

-Hina checks where to sing, Subaru gives out orders, Yoko becomes shy and shuts up

-spotlights on, they go on the lift, face back to back
Hina: Hyaakuneeen sakimooo~~~♪
Yoko: Ai wo chikauyoooo

-turns around, stares into each other
Hina: Kimiwaaa~ Bokunoo~~
YokoHina: Subetesaaaa~~~
Audience: awwww ♥
-Yoko gets all shy again ^^

Sat 2nd

-Eito Ranger, Maru’s ippatsugei
Maru: Ise ebi! Ise ebi! Zarigani! Ise ebi! Zarigani! (←huh? lol)

-When Black is all ‘I wanna be Red!!’
Black: Even little kids watch Go-ranger (I guess that’s a TV hero series or something?) and wants to become like green!
Everyone: …um, Green?
Green: W-whut??
Yoko: Oh, I meant Red
Green: *sulks*

-Before Ryo goes back to change, Maru stops him
Maru: (says something in difficult in Japanese but uses it in the wrong way)
Ryo: Study Japanese, aho!

sorry, I don't remember much from this show ^^;

Sun 1st

Eito Rangers:
Orange: Blue~ Red~ Yellow~ (in the Buruu-Reddo Okudake melody)
-Buruu-Reddo and Blue-Red XDDD

-Black's rifle fires before it should have and Yoko is all
Nasu: (who was nearby at the moment) a-a-a...... There's never been such a thing before

-Hina forgets his lines for awhile XDDD

-When the original three gets the letter
Blue: やつら… しょーゆーことか… Yatsura… Sho-yu kotoka… (←holds up a soy sauce bottle)
Souiu koto: So that’s what they’re up to…
But Blue said ‘Sho-yu koto’ (Shoyu is soy sauce)
It’s originally Akashiya Sanma’s gag
Red: ソースっねーーーーーーっ!!! (←laughing while holding a tiny bottle of sauce)
Soussune!: That’s right!!
Red said it like So-sunne (sauce) XDDD
Black: How about you, Yellow? ..(takes away what he's holding) What? Deka-uma?? (big-and-umai) What the hell is "Deka-uma Sausage!?" (pic) You can't say anything funny about that!!!

-lol, of course he can't say anything cause Subaru just gave it to him suddenly

-during the big fight in the end, Yellow brings out his knife... wait no, it's not a knife!!
It's Deka-uma Sausage!! XDDDD

Black: Nasu... getting killed by a sausage! Were we that weak??
Yellow: I-if, if only I hadn't brought out the sausage...

Red: ...It's actually me who gave it to you

-Nasu is actually alive!
Everyone: Nassuuuuu----------------!!!
Black: Y-you're alive! You were just prentending to get stabbed by a sausage, right? ...Well now, EAT IT! (←oh, Yoko..)
Nasu: Uhh, I'm fine.
Black: Eat it kawaiku
Nasu: ....

Black: I want to see your Yaeba (double tooth) biting through the sausage!
Nasu: ....
 (eats it anyways)
Black: LMAO! You actually ate it! What does it taste like?

Green: Your mouth must be all dry now XDDD
Nasu: It's... It's so spicy!!! a;asdikhfao;idshfaslkjfl
 (←it was spicy deka-uma sausage XDD )

-they talk about how they went Yakiniku all together yesterday
Yoko: I can't eat red meat (akami) these days...
Tacchon: How about Karubi?? (ribs)
Yoko: ahh.. No karubi...
Tacchon: Then how about Honetsuki-karubi?? (spareribs)
Yoko: No, not that either..

-lol, Tacchon, if Yoko can't eat ribs, he can't eat spareribs either!! XDDD

Sun 2nd Sorry, this is actually Saturday's 2nd show. Thanks, anon-san ^^

-Kicyu lyric changing!
Yoko: Kimimo♪
Yasu: Yokochomo♪
YokoYasu: Kodomo dakara chu nanokana♪
Yoko: Mou Yasu ga wakannai yo♪ (Mou, I don’t know this guy -_-;;)
Yasu: Datta awasete Yasu to Kimi♪ YasuKimiYasuKimiYasuKimi Yasu to Kimi♪

(←couldn’t sing cause in shock)

-Puzzle: Hina joined Ryo during his solo in the end
-They were staring so intensely at each other XDDD

-The part where usually Red punches Black:
Black: Hey! You wanna fight!?!
Red: …No! Let’s talk it over! (←Huh?)
Black: Please! Punch me! If you don’t hit me, the story won’t progress!!
Everyone: Don’t fight! Just talk it over!! (←lol, they keep on teasing Yoko)
Black: …Talk it over!?! You think that’ll be funny?!?
Red: …Are you…a M?? (masochist)
Orange: ♪いつも一緒に~い~たかったあ~♪ (←from a song called ‘M’ XDDDD)

-Because of Orange↑, Black and Red starts having more fun
Black: Mou…Please! Please punch me!!!
Red: What…Are you a M?!
Orange: (long silence) ........Oh, Oh!! ♪いつも一緒に~い~たかったあ~♪
Everyone: You’re slow!! (←tsukkomi )
Orange: Sorry, sorry, But ‘M’ takes time to put my feelings in!!
Black: Don’t forget this time! We’re going to do it 3 times, so. Okay? (turns to face Red) Please! Punch me now!


Blue: Ahaha~ Red, you’re do-S!!! (sadist) XDD
-lol, no turn for Orange now;;

-Orange: I don’t wanna be the hyper Orange anymore! I want to be the Yellow that’s still kakkoii even when silent!! (←haha XDD)

-The part where Red stops the arrow from hitting Yellow…
Is now a plunger XDDD
Red: W-w-whut!?! This, this is not an arrow! It’s that thing in the bathroom!

-When the original three gets the letter (from the plunger this time XDD)
Blue: (the soy sauce thing)
Yellow: 今度こそ、白黒つけてやる…シマウマみたいになっ!! (←has a shichimi bottle.lol, idk why)
I’m going to make it clear! (black and white) Like a Zebra!!
Red: (sauce thing)

-Black gets jealous and tells Orange to do something funny too
Black: Orange!! You can do better than them right?!
Orange: Uh… uh, okay ………………………… (long silence) …………………………Salt!!!!
Green: Ahahahah!!! Ahahahahahhaahahahaha!!!

-When Nasu gets stabbed
Black: Na-nasuuuu………………. I wanted to eat apple pie with you!!!
Red: That’s why I told you guys to hurry up and go out together!!!

-And when Nasu comes back alive
Nasu: Now we can go eat apple pie together!!

-Subaru said that before the show started, the staffs brought a basket full of spices, sauces, etc
Staff: Please take what you like

-So Subaru chose the three (Soy sauce, sauce, shichimi) but he didn’t know what to do with the shichimi so just pushed it on Ryo, like the sausage on the 1st show XDDDD

-The MC goes onto ‘can you say I love you to a girl? To your mom?’
-Subaru and Tacchon doesn’t mind at all
-But shy boy Yoko… lol
Yoko: I…I can never say that… I can’t even fart in from of my mom, or stay naked in front of her
Everyone: EEHHHHH!?!?!
Maru: (like ZOM) Dashiteko--ze♪ (Let’s show it♪)

-Hina’s all like ‘I’m fine with anything’
Tatsu: Hina stays naked even when the staffs (female) come inside our dressing room!!

-Yoko decides to talk to Ryo-chan
Yoko: So how about you, Dokkun?
Ryo: Eh? Chinko?? (←he actually said it)

Hina: Hey hey hey, don’t say that Ryo! You’ll ruin your image!
Subaru: Even I refrained from saying it!!! (←LOLOLOLOLOLOL)
Maru: (trying to cover it up) No no no, it was me. I said it!
Subaru: Ohhh, yeah, it was Maru!
Maru: Yes, I was the one who said it!
Ryo: Ah, okay. Right. I shouldn't have said that

..okay, I'm done for now ^^


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