Title: Sparkles
Fandom: Kis-My-Ft2
Pairings/Characters: Fujigaya Taisuke x Kitayama Hiromitsu, Tamamori Yuta
Rating: G
Warnings: AU, Kisumai Family
Disclaimer: The Plot is mine, the Boys belong to themselves or Johnnys :D Again Thanks to
2hachi for the idea :3
Fujigaya was standing in the door to the nursery, watching his Son, when there were suddenly arms around his waist.
"Taisuke. You don't need to watch him the whole day, he's fine. Nothings gonna happen when he's asleep in his room." Kitayama rubs his nose on Fujigayas shoulder.
"He's not asleep" Fujigaya says and smiles at his Boyfriend.
"He's not? But it's so quiet in here, what is he doing?" Kitayama asked and now his gaze wandered to the crib.
"I think he's watching the sparkles on the ceiling, maybe it wasn't the best idea to get him that sparkling crib mobile."