Things Change

Jun 08, 2006 23:58

So it finally feels like summer is here. I am working a lot which I hate and like it all at the same time. Mike and I want to move out by the end of July but we both sat down and looked at what type of money we are making and are going to hold off just for a little longer. I want to get a full time job. My parents don't want me to because of insurance reasons but I will be 20 June 19 and I will only have one more year. Hopefully this semster I will finish up most of the boring classes and finally get into what I want to do. But I know if I move out I won't be able to do that this semster. I am tired of thinking about money. I wish I was five and a nickle seemed like a lot.

So many things are happening this month and next...Amanda and I turn 20 on June 19th, Mikes birthday, 2 camping trips etc... But it will be fun. As a early birthday present from my parents they got me a computer desk, which I am using right now. Mike and I built it today it was good fun.

I should be in bed I have work at 7am so I am off to bed. Goodnight, Godbless and Sweet Dreams!

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