Jun 06, 2004 22:41
I know people have been doing posts like this latley.
This year has been amazing. It has been bad and good. I've grown so much and met so may new people. I dont find December 31st as the end of the year, but the last day of school. Its has so much more of an impact. I started to fight out who I am and where my place is. To all my friends out there, I thank you.
To my brother, you are my best friend and no matter what wierd crazy ass shit goes down with our family, I'll always be there for you and Joey.
Kevin and Tod, you guys made this year so much fun. And even though we have had ups and downs Im not gonna be going anywhere. Even if I need to punch tod in the face again...haha
Brittney, Danielle, Melanie, you three have been the shit. I always have fun no matter where I am or what I'm doing with you. You have always been there for me and your all keepers.
Esther and Kinci, words cant explain how thankfull I am to have met you. So many good times I cant count them. Your my favorite emo kids for life! (nothing agaisnt emo :D)
Bianca and Kate, you two are the craziest kids I know and sure as hell most outgoing. Iv'e given you two shit about your lifestyle but you know that no matter what you do I'll be here for ya. You kids rule.
Lauren, we have expierience so much shit its insane. The best part is we will be friends after of all it. Im glad your here.
Brian and Sam Russ, Role modles for life good things that follow. Glad you thought nick gonzalez was cool enough to chill with.
Katie and Danielle, you two have tought me a lot and although I may come off as an Ass to you Im still your friends. The group died but the memories didnt. :)
Ty and Cano, you two are my fucking "asshole" buddies. We will chill fo sho this summer. Sorry about your arm ty haha.
Liza, Amber, I met you two this year and I know we havent hung out much but I feel you two are worth the friendships and who knows what the future will bring.
To anyone I forgot, Im sure we have had great times and you know I LOVE YOU.
I put people together cause the message would go for all of them. Thanks everyone, and youll all hear from me this summer.