Aug 03, 2004 23:24
Hampton Beach was grand, once we got through the traffic, the 17 hours of searching for a parking space, and the 20 minutes where we thought Donnie had been kidnapped. The ocean water was much like rubbing enormous ice cubes on our skin. But it was still fun. We attempted to create a castle of sand, but failed miserably. So, we buried Donnie instead. After that, we went to eat at a place where we faced a huge glass shelf FULL of scary looking dolls. They all resembled Abdow's big boy. It was a bit creepy. We stayed with Christoph, went to some stores (such as Best Buy where I picked up the new Taking Back Sunday cd, and the Anchorman soundtrack), and hung out for a bit with Benjamin and friends. I don't think Bryan had a whole lot of fun, because he got all red and itchy from the cold of the ocean, and he hates long drives. But he liked the cheeseburgers... so maybe that made up for it.
I realize this week, that I start taking classes at Elm's a week after CHS begins, so I will have a week where I just get out of school early, and have nothing to do after. That, my friends, is absolutely magnifiscent.
I did some hardcore working out today... sort of. But Melissa was too cool to join me :op
Today Bud told told me and Alana that he may send one of us to his Southwick store, and for reasons like, I have a car, I think someone may mean me. I think I will refuse.
I am quite happy with my new daily planner. The one with the robot.
OH OH! And I am quite happy that Craig Farley and Friends brought us milkshakes today. That was fantastic.
I suppose that will end my update. Farewell.