Stolen From Simone!

Apr 23, 2004 15:47

[been in love: Donnie
[lied: in a bed
[given someone a bath: One time I watched Alana give her dog a bath.
[smoked: I'm smokin'. (get it? Like I'm hot! hahahaha)
[bungee jumped: I jumped out of a tree once and hurt my ankle pretty badly.
[broken the law: I stole some hairties once or twice.
[skinny dipped: I dipped strawberries. No wait. I think I just watched Bessy dip strawberries.oh well. MMMM STRAWBERRIES!
[cried to get out of trouble: I don't really remember what "in trouble" is like.
[fallen for the wrong guy: I fall alot. Like yesterday, I fell up the stairs.
[cut your own hair: I'll cut your hair!
[been mean: I've been meanING to do some laundry.
[stalked someone: Most likely some random person.
[been sarcastic: Citsacras. That's sarcastic backwards.
[talked to someone: Your mom.
[hugged someone: Ohhh I wonder wonder wonder wonder what's in a wonder ball!
[fought with parents: Whose parents?
[skipped school : Yeah. And skipped TO school! Ok no I've never skipped to school.
[had an imaginary friend: There's a ghost in my house.
[wanted to hook up w/ a friend: hook up as in tie a string between two cans and play telephone - of course
[cried during a flick: no...

W i T H T H E O P P O S i T E S E X
[what do u notice first?: That depends. If they're standing in front of me obviously the first thing I would notice is the back of their head. However if they are driving in a car, the first thing I would notice is their car.... you get the idea.
[turn off-looks: hairy-ness
[turn off-personality: Annoying. That means, anything that I don't like about them
[hair length: Donnie's hair.
[best height: Donnie's height.
[best weight: You know where I'm going with this.
[best article of clothing: stealable hoodies

[last called: Alana
[last emailed: John Seveigne?
[last mailed letter to: Elizabeth Kellogg
[went to the mall w/ u: Hmm. Donnie I believe
[makes u laugh the most?: Brendon Small
[makes you smile: Donnie
[easier to talk to: Hold on. The question is "WHO easier to talk to"????
[do you cry with: With as in crying simultaneously? I don't make that a point to do very often.

W O R D A S S O C i A T i O N
[red]: door
[cow]: grass
[grass]: lawn mower
[blue]: Less than Jake
[mirror]: Snow White
[cracker]: yum
[zine]: HAH! TEEN BOP
[aol]: hola
[jelly]: beans

T H i S O R T H A T
[day/night]: night
[summer/winter]: both
[lace/satin]: satin
[tape/cd]: mixed tape
[ lust/love: love
[on phone/in person: in person. Sometimes I hate to use phones.
[gold/silver: silver
[scary/happy movies: happy movies

F A V O R i T E
[color]: red
[holiday]: christmas
[shampoo]: Renewal X5
[furniture]: favorite furniture? They're all nice.
[emotion]: happy is good.
[food]: I enjoy Chicken and pasta very much.
[pepsi or Coke]: Once again. The question is Favorite pepsi or coke? Seriously who made this thing? Ok, I'll humor you: Pepsi
[fast food]: Taco Bell Or McDonalds for a milkshake
[animal]: penguin, turtle, or sloth
[sport to play]: basketball I suppose
[sport to watch]: Rather not.
[cartoon character]: Zim? I don't know there's so many great ones. language]: Finish
[roller coaster]: roller coasters are so grand! I miss them. Thunderbolt.
[font]: fingerpainting.
[store]: Savers

H A V E Y O U / / D O Y O U / / A R E Y O U
[obsessive]: nope
[take a shower everyday]: Oh yes I am a regular bather
[want to go to college]: I suppose I must.
[like high school]: Not particularly
[want to get married]: sure do
[believe in yourself]: I believe in miracles (sang in high voice)
[have piercings]: My ears are pierced but nothing crazy.
[get motion sickness]: one time when I was at Riverside with Gina, Bessy,Dan Fernandez and a few other people. I think that was the day he asked me out. Hah.
[have high self esteem]: Hmmm
[get along w/ your parents]: Now? si muchos.
[like thunder storms]: I LOVE THEM!
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to get on AIM: no. I sit on the internet all day because I'm bored.
[cried because of someone saying something mean to you: Yep. No one outside of my family though.
[been rejected: mm hmmmmm.
[rejected someone]: mm hmmmmm.
[used someone]: I used someones pen once.
[done something u regret]: I wouldn't change much if I could.

M o R E
[could u live without the computer?: I would do more living without it.
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?: peeps? I'm not answering that because you said "peeps"
[like watching sunrises or sunsets: yes?
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?: I can't say that I've had much physical pain in my life.
[trust others way too easily?: what?
[is cheerleading a sport?: I honestly don't care.
[last time slept with stuffed animal: I always sleep with a stuffed animal.
[houses lived in: one house, one apartment.
[schools gone to: preschool (1), kindergarden (1) 1st - 10th grade(1) 11th grade (1) so, 4 I guess.
[bedroom carpet: Yes.
[ would you shave ur head for $5000: Hey, hair grows back. money doesn’t. (I'm leaving Simone's there. It was a good answer)
[age for marriage: about 21.
[last film seen in theatre: Um, Taking lives I think? No! It was Hellboy.
[what do you eat for breakfast?: 2 waffles and some red juice. [bedtime: Depends.
[best feature: My mutant face at the moment.
[Finish the sentence: ] I Love to... eat, eat, eat, apples and baneenees. I love to oot oot oot apples and banoonoos.
I, like the deserts miss the rain.
I'm Annoyed current laziness, and my mutant face.
I Want to be... alive
I Would Never.... get a sex change operation then become a prostitute and kill a man.
I Am Tired of....things that I cannot control ending up badly.
I Will Always be... Really pale so when I'm out in the sun for a minute too long I will get what seems like every time the worst sunburn of my life and not be able to sleep or shower comfortably for days.

of times I have been in love? = Donnie.
of times I have had my heart broken? = Too many.
of hearts I have broken? = A few that I know of. I would say about 3
of times my name has appeared in the paper? = Hm. Once recent enought that I remember...
things in my past that I regret? = 1


First best friend: Stephen Mayhoux or something like that...
First car: Oh yeah. My Red Dragon is sitting right outside. Yup.That's right.
First real kiss: Donnie.
First screen name: Redwoods144 or something like that
First self purchased album: I do not remember. maybe 3rd eye blind
First pets: Spike. He was evil.
First piercing/tattoo: ears pierced when I was 4
First true love: Donnie.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Chris played the recorder for a day or two?

F i N A L Q U E S T i O N S
[i love]: You already asked this.
[i miss]: This too.
[i wonder]: What you would do if you were allergic to allergy medicine.
[how do you know it's love?]: It's Donnie.
[i need to]: Find something better to do than this.

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