Nov 09, 2004 19:53
i hate high school teachers you all know they dont give a shit!!!!!!! of course they are so high and mighty, there above you and theres nothing you can do to change that is there...of course fucking not ugh!!!!!!!!!! there always right and we are alsways rong...there class is the center of the universe!!! and no other class matters!!!they know everything and we meen nothing.somtimes its not just teachers, somtetimes it adults put together. now dont get me rong im not trying to be a whiney thirteen yeer old bitch going ,"down with adultsthey suck"!!!!!!I am a sixteen year old woman who is becoming very aware that those feeling dont come out of nowhere and probobly wont go away, and sure somtimes people bitch at adults and teachers for no reason and just sound like assholes who havent turned 14 yet, but i am genually stating that sometimes adults/teachers get too high and mighty ,and wrapped up in the idea that when your under fucking 20 you know absolutly nothing!!!!, and if you do, keep it to your self because you dont have the floor right now!!!!! I for one am sick of it !!!!!!!!!!!!between my dad saying i know nothing and my teachers not giving a shit about me, or showing absolutly no compasion for onother human beeing,or not realizing i have other classes or not having the ability to realize that somting isnt my fault. Im responsible, i dont take advantage of people, im a good person and i try my best!!!!!!Thats all i can do. When i say somthing i know what im talking about im not one of those people that dosnt think before they speek, or make staements and have nothing to back them up with,nor do i make ignorant statements because i dont know what im talking about.Im not dumb, Im a logical person so dont treat me like im dumb, or make a really obvous point to me that even a second grader would get, and make me feel stupid. I dont deserv this sort of treatment. Im not a winey bitch im just a highschool student and daughter who is going through a rugh time period and trying to deal with it from no help from my father or my fucking techers, or just the attitude of adults towards adolecnce in general.Im tired fucking tired...