May 17, 2007 20:45
So I kind of decided what to call my very first piece of music ever composed: the "Chicago Symphony." It will have four movements: adagio, allegro, allegretto, and a longer vivace. The first three movements will be very short, simplistic, and colorful. The fourth movement will be rhythmic, exciting, and adventurous...and especially unconventional. There will be tempo changes, but I want it to shine above the rest. I want a large instrument count, elaborate orchestrations, yet I will keep it simplistic since I have vast limits of composition skills. It won't be brilliant, over-the-top, and emotionally charged. No, it will be passionate, exciting, fun, and diverse. I'm also considering the "Chicago Suite," taking the same elements as Bach's German Suits and turning them around. But dunno yet.
I'm getting the inspiration from Looptopia. It wasn't just the midnight yoga, the dragqueen pageant, the tapdancer/drummer, or the taize mass that did it. It's the fact that many people of all diverse backgrounds came to enjoy the city. And I loved that all the events were completely inaccessible at some times. I loved that you had to actually look for shit to do instead of people having it in front of their faces. In our "on demand" and "now" world, it's about time that people start using the exploration as their world. People were bitching as this being the worst run and worst advertised event in Chicago. Well, the whole point is that you had to look for stuff to do or let the stuff find you. Plus, one has to enjoy the city life...after hours away from work and away from your job or school.
That's what my goal is for the piece: getting lost and finding your way back without easy results, and celebrating freedom while using artistic boundaries as a tool for creating the beauty of Chicago. It's nothing new or groundbreaking. People have been doing this for years. It's just people have to start opening up their eyes for once.
Some highlighted instruments: percussion, percussion, percussion, and more percussion. No other instrument category classifies modern Chicago like percussion. World percussion, classical percussion, electronic percussion, drumset, tapdancing, timpani, cymbals, mallets, toys. Everything. Plus oboe, saxophone, dulcimer with marimba, and chimes will all have features.
I just need finale...or pencil and paper will do.
I'm just feeling very trapped right now. Trapped by school, people, jobs, everything. I need to release some of this creativity that I've been developing for months now. Why can't I bring it to life? I have to.