Feb 01, 2005 01:29
I have NO idea what is going on in that little three year old head but I know one thing thats not. SLEEEEEEEP.
I swear every night or should I say morning its getting later and later.
Maybe she is making me pay for the fact that I had one of those rare babies who come right home from the Hospital to sleep through the night every night. But man honestly if I could go back in time her as an infant getting me up would'nt be so bad. I mean I could hold her feed her but as a 3 year old she quite obviously is all over the place wanting to play with her Princesses at three am.
And we had a schedule too yeah she schemed her way right through that she has some sub human power where she must need no sleep.
One morning she was up I kid you not at 8 am and up until the next morning at 3am. I tried everything walking her at night going for long walks in the mid afternoon.
Nothing caffeinated at all.
No sugar.
Seriously if I could bottle that energy I would be a billionare. The way she bounces around the house all day tirelessly and then through her bathtime without skipping a beat then to bed and still bouncing away.
And she is not a hyper child I mean she is not boucning off walls over here. Shes just awake and when she is awake she wants something to do to color to play no matter what time it is.
I am hoping next year Pre - school will toss her into a schedule and maybe have her asleep at nine at the latest.
If it does'nt I am going to look into some activity to burn up some of that energy. They have some incredible dance and twirling Groups for girls her age here and with her love of music and dance as is I am thinking something like that might be perfect for her.
God knows I am going to need to find something to get her excited into and tired. I mean I just won't be able to pull staying up with her until 4am and then driving myself the hour to school at 5am and staying awake for classes and then driving myself the hour home.