[[It's sad when you are no longer a member of a community and you get easily entertained. Why the hell couldn't it have happened when I was around? Because everyone wanted to see if they could try to get me kicked out. Ooohhhh well....I maanged to get myself kicked out for OOC information by Yann fucking Danis. Let me tell you something about this
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No one owes you a thing in this game - in fact, YOU and your other little friends - if I can call your multiple personalities that - owe a HELL of a lot of people an apology that I don't ever see coming for making MBP into a complete fucking joke because the mods actually PUT UP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT FOR TOO LONG. If anything, Yann should be congratulated for finally being able to kick you out on your ass for a reason that is listed in the rules because goodness knows that you weren't going to get removed for being a harassing, stalking, obnoxious waste of space. And don't start on that behavior being "in character" - please. I am 100% certain that Nicole Appleton is not a sick, psychotic bitch - you just use a name to play out your own clinically insane personality.
You know, no one would have even have had a problem with the incest - it's the fact that you handled it so amazingly tastelessly as to be completely appalling. I've seen you lie through your teeth on All Saints forums in the past that you weren't even playing out the incest when fans happened to find your journal and you quickly locked up the offending entries. That means you KNOW that if the real Appletons found out about how you drag their names through the dirt with your portrayal, they would be slapping a defamation lawsuit on you faster than you could say "LOL J/K!"
Your inability to leave things the fuck alone is just testament to the fact that you will not be satisfied until people are forced into action with regards to you. I for one am unspeakably glad that there was finally a way to get you kicked out of the game, and that you take your dumbassery to new levels in order for all your other characters to be removed as well. In the words of Liam, I would sincerely hope beyond hope that someone like you actually does catch AIDS and die a slow, painful death, because the world can only benefit with you removed from the gene pool.
As for the words of Liam....fuck him and fuck you. Bitch, I don't have AIDS and I never will. I don't go whoring around like you do. Do you have a guilty conscience or something? I mean come on now... All of this that you are saying is bullshit. I didn't even read the part other than the last two paragraphs. I could care less what you have to say about me. Go ahead. Say it all you want to. It really hurts my feelings ya know. You're just another pathetic cunt is all.
I don't even know why I am even replying to you other than the fact that I usually try to be nice and reply to all the comments left in my journal. You're a waste of my time. In fact, you are cutting into my time of watching Spice Girls on youtube.com ... So, if you will excuse me, my "stupid" ass will be getting back to watching Spice Girls. Go ahead and say something about it. It doesn't bother me anymore. I'm tired of fighting with people in general. So in MY true words as being "childish".....WHATEVERNESS. I have a life and it doesn't involve you but it damn sure involves Spice Girls. So see ya!
Oh, and:
Joined: 13 Sep 2006
Posts: 73
Location: In England and America
PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:12 pm
Um.. where does it say that at? Last I checked theres nothing that says that.
Joined: 13 Sep 2006
Posts: 73
Location: In England and America
I even checked "Natalie's" journal and there's not anything that suggests that. Either way, I don't care. A game is a game and that is exactly what it is. I don't see the suggestion of "Nic" and "Nat" together at all and I would know seeing as I am the one with "Nicky's" journal.
These sound like categorical denials of what you were posting to me, don't you think?
Oh, and as for the Appletons apparently knowing about this - I would severely doubt them actually knowing about this and BEING OKAY with the fact that they're being represented as incestuous psychotic bitches. If you are so set on that, I'd love to see proof of it. Like, actual documents and signatures, as opposed to hearsay "Oh, Nic's just fine with it."
As for "the rest of the paragraphs" that you apparently didn't bother to read and called "bullshit", funny how they're also the paragraphs that explained without a doubt that it's in fact this post that is overflowing with bullshit. I might be pathetic, but at least I have a clear conscience about respecting the person that I play in the game and respecting other players, something which you completely failed to do in your time at MBP. I hope you get the psychological help that you so clearly need.
I'm not even going to respond to the rest of it... I think I said enough in my latest public journal entry. You can go read it and then get back to me if you would like. I'm a busy woman though and I have things to do so... I'm going to bounce my pathetic and stupid but happy ass out of here for a bit... See ya next time around ey?
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