Musical Theatre and Life...

Nov 19, 2006 02:49

So, I didn't place. I was kind of bummed about that. Stevie seems to think that it wasn't so much that I didn't sing well as I didn't emote well enough nor did I pick repertoire that would allow me to. My songs were "Why" and "Nice Work If You Can Get It". Random together...I know.

Either way. It was a good reality check for me AND I got to spend a great weekend with Celeste, Kate, Cessa, Lori, Miranda, and Jordan (Who did VERY well at the master class). It's strange how much more independent I feel after spending a weekend with my friends. I don't feel like I need a guy anymore. Although, god knows I want one. I'm just not dependent on anyone else to make me happy. I'm proud of that. Although, eventually, I feel like needing someone would be nice...but only someone who needs me too.

By the way, Kate, if you end up reading this, I hope that things get better soon. I am so pissed about what they did to you. That was wrong. They'll grow up. We all do eventually.

Hooray for this song:
take me for what i am
who i was ment to be
and if you give a damn
take me baby
or leave me
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