2:48 PM - @QuimmAnaheim: Photo: Motherfucker! Get the fuck out of my fucking bed! Gah! (Photo by etseqkitten)
http://t.co/Pne75Fjm 2:55 PM - @QuimmAnaheim: Ugh.. Spider buzz killed my benadryl coma. :-( It was just a little guy but it still freaked me out. Damnit!
4:36 PM - @QuimmAnaheim: Photo: I have been interrupted with my slumber yet again.. laying in bed whilst bored. (Photo by...
http://t.co/tfZuvO7g 4:41 PM - @QuimmAnaheim: Photo: moar boredom. (Photo by etseqkitten)
http://t.co/EsiVYLVJ 6:54 PM - @ZodiacFacts: Well this is horrifying. Check out 13 things you will eat without knowing it.
http://t.co/keZSyvBK - spon
2:16 AM - @QuimmAnaheim: I have a #picset for sale, 19 #nudepics, #phonepics and #webcampics -
http://t.co/Y1XYmqWr 125tkns #myfreecams #boobs
http://t.co/g06Qr5Up 2:19 AM - @QuimmAnaheim: if you purchase and don't hear from me RIGHT AWAY OMG, it's cause i'm sick in bed with the flu. i'll reciprocate as soon as i am able.
2:48 AM - @QuimmAnaheim: Want a 7 day trial to @camwhoresdotcom? Buy my "Birthday Suit" #picset on #MFC -
http://t.co/Y1XYmqWr **while supplies last**!
3:16 AM - @jrite: Having an odd night. Caught my dad masturbating, won 250 on a scratch off, and just had an ex drunk call me. #wtf #foreverunclean
3:18 AM - @QuimmAnaheim: peek at 1 of 19 pics in previously mentioned #picset -
http://t.co/UcZrp8aZ #niptacularse! #boobs #supertease #tie #redlipstick #NSFW
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