Various things~

Mar 25, 2010 22:46

Firstly I FINALLY PASSED JLPT2!!!! I AM FREE! XD don't plan on taking JLPT 1 because I barely passed 2 like seriously just passed XD 247/400 O.O

Secondly KAT-TUN IS HAVING A CONCERT IN THAILAND!!! well KT-TUN is... the jin factor in a positive light could be viewed as I have less fans to compete with to get tickets! XD the only worry is the political situation in Thailand... if things stay as they are now I probably won't get to see KAT-TUN in Thailand...

Randomly Bloody Monday 2 was <3 i loved the end with J and Mako~, Fujimaru and haruka~ haven't seen the end of Yamato Nadeshiko yet though... trying to wait for subs but I think I'll most probably watch it tomorrow.

Kino Has my KAT-TUN calendar so yay~ but they ran out of copies of the yamato nadeshiko photobook O.O to think it's ratings were just bluek D=

As to real life... I have been doing my ACCA the first 3 professional level papers... at a uni i really dislike... can't mention which one because I'm not allowed to defame the uni according to its regulations... so I'll just say it's in PJ, its NOT Taylors(I loved it there), INTI, Metro, Monash or Segi. Loads to study but I certainly hope that I'll pass all 3 papers on my first try =X

Also I have accepted the University of Bristol's offer to do a MSc Finance and Investment course this sept/oct in the UK~ so that part of the headache is settled... Don't have to go back to THAT Uni for a second sem XD

and that concludes my third post of the year =X I really need to post more... 3 months in and only 3 posts is just sad T_T
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