
Jul 06, 2009 23:57

Wow I don't know how long haven't I posted. My guess is just before my exams... been on a lazing spree after exams... just sitting around doing nothing much... Playing RO, going out XD Should have posted earlier~

Now even the exam results are out~ I'm graduating probably/hopefully with a first class honors XD Based on my own calculations that seems to be the case anyway

The next pressing question is Now what?... Parents don't mind me going overseas to get a masters... In fact they seem okay with the idea of me going to Japan to get it XD so that would mean Masters in International Relations from Waseda... The problem is it has nothing to do with my degree and I'm not even sure what are the career prospects of it... sounds like a very political science type of masters... Option two is to go to the UK and get a masters... of course it being the UK i can choose from a wealth of courses... I've been considering a masters in finance and/or management...

Choosing the UK would be more rational and better for my future I suppose... but Japan is my dream... It's going to be hard to choose... rationality or dreams?

.>"The next problem would be when in Sept 2009 or 2010... at the rate I'm going I'm guess it's more likely to be Sept 2010... but then the next pressing question is what am I going to do in this one year??? My choices then are the ACCA or the CFA...

ACCA - I have a 9paper exemption already only need to take another 5. It's a part time course meaning that my weekends would be fully booked... I'd hate that... Plus the college is far from my home... about an hour... Accounting based... it's part time so that means my weekends will be fully booked >.>

CFA - New course... Hard to pass apparently... finance based... If i take a masters in finance after one semester I would be able to take Level one of this exam... so taking this course would further set me on the path of a masters in UK in finance... the uni is near my house... about 15minutes??

Decisions~ I wish I had uni to continue in sept... dislike times like this...

A little late but... R.I.P Michael Jackson... Hopefully now people would stop talking crap behind your back and leave you in peace... R.I.P Farrah Fawcett (sp?) as well...

on a random note~ I like the song NYC O.O and to some extent koishite na akuma? Yuugo is kinda cute in a blur way too~reminds me much of Keito... saw the PV and the akuma song has too much Yuma and too little B.I. Shadow... same goes for NYC... too much NYC too little "boys" D=

on another note about arashi being beaten by DBSK on today's daily oricon charts... I for one don't really like it... but I suppose arashi can't be top everyday...

/long rant...
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