the weather is amazin even the birds are bumpin

Feb 08, 2009 07:15

I can't get over how awesome the weather is & its only... what? Like 45 - 50 degrees max out? the crazy shit winter will do to ya. lol. im glad this shits bout done with. winter is so depressing! Can't go out & do squat! Can't wait to bust out my skateboard & shred some spots. Totally gnargnar d00d.

I'm just tryin to kill time while I wait to go piss in a cup while some big black dude watches. Ya know, I should really know their names by now. Lol.

So, am I really a bad person? ... like do I really deserve all the stupid shit that's happened to me? I don't think so... I really think I'm one of the nicest, laidback, carefree, polite people I know. Maybe I know some really shitty people? The court system probably thinks I'm a heathen & all I do is get in trouble 'cause yeah, ill admit, I fucked up a couple times but none of which were remotely serious... stupid shit people do when they're younger, I just have a nack for getting cought. I'm bringing this up cause I have to go into court thursday for a "show cause" 'cause I owe $970 on a case. I've been paying them $100 each & every month... not on that particular case god forbid but don't you think you'd look at that & brush it off? Ill get to it when I can, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. You're getting $100 each month anyways, I'm not made out of money. I'm broke. Cut me some slack. Anyways, I have to go in & explain why I haven't been making payments on it... which I think I did a good job of explaining myself back there. Bahh. I hate feeling like I did something wrong when really, I didn't. I thought I was doin good actually... but apparently my good isn't enough.

Alright, enough ranting on that subject.... its too depressing. Fucking hell, monster is so bitter & just all around nasty. How can anyone actually like that garbage? Energy... wooo...? There's a million energy drinks out there that do the same thing... most of which taste not just better but SO much better. So, riddle me this; why on earth is monster such a big seller?

Hmmm, what else is there to rant about? Sleep! Well, falling asleep in particular. I have such a hard time falling asleep at night! Idk what it is! Ill seriously lay in bed for hours & not feel the slighest bit tired. Am I doing something wrong? Lol. Like really, everyone I know lays in bed & 20 minutes er so, BAM, dead asleep. Is there some sort of trick I don't know about? If so, PLEASE share! I'm begging you!

Tomorrow is monday! Boy do I love monday's! :D

I think this entry is long enough for today... till next time? Lol
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