Dec 18, 2005 22:38
sorry i havent updated for a while...i guess nothing monumental has happened...or more likely ive just been too busy. I was talking and thinking with one of my friends tonight and when we were done talking i decided to go outside.... dunno why i guess... i got some gloves and my dads boots, put on my big puffy coat and walked outside...i walked to the end of our driveway then i walked back to the basketball hoop and wandered around for a little bit... then i started thinking about when i was a kid and i would come outside in the winter and how i would sit in the turn around and throw snowballs at my basketball hoop trying to make a basket for hours on end... its a 50 or 60 foot toss so its no mere feat.
i walked over to the turn around and i was disappointed to find that tonight was not the night for packing snow.... so instead i chipped off frozen chunks off of the piles of plowed snow and commenced throwing them at my basket. I started by just breaking pieces off and throwing them as soon as i got a piece that would qualify as throwable. i stopped when my arm began getting sore and stretched my shoulder out a little bit and tried a new strategy of chipping off the ice and then shaping them with my gloves until they were more comfortable to throw. I found i had more success with accuracy when trying to reach my hoop, although it did take more time to shape the ice so i threw not even half as many as i had before... i have no idea why i find this so entertaining but i was in a brooding mood and i kept thinking...
i thought how every instance that i talked about tonight could be related to the chunks of ice i was throwing at my hoop... one strategy was to throw as many chunks of ice at the hoop as i could and have a higher percentage of misses....but i was throwing so many that it hardly mattered how many missed because some came very close and some went in... i think this is like trying as many things as you can and seeing what you do and dont like whether it be sports, career options or friends....
my second strategy as i mentioned was to form and smooth the balls of ice until they were more comfortable to throw and as such i recieved a higher success rate...i made a higher percantage of ice in the basket and hardly any i threw missed the backboard.... but as i said, it took much more time to form the balls....
as i continued thinking and relating these ice balls to life... my first strategy of throwing was as if i didnt try as many different paths in life but i still recieved almost the same success rate relating to time... i feel this is like someone who often has to learn from there mistakes and take many shots at a goal... a kind of trial and error strategy.... i hit the backboard basically the same amount of times with both strategies with the 5 or 10 minutes i practiced each.... this second style is more suitable for some who enjoy weighing there options and seriously consider all of the variables in the decision... by shaping the ice for better throwing...rather then learning from mistakes, this type of person predicts the problems that might arise and plans for them....
I think both of the styles of throwing ice and living life have advantages relating to the situational experiences we have.... different people have different ways of making decisions....
when i read that back to myself...i dont think i got across what i was trying to get across...but whatever....its just a blog...take what you can from it