late night bit o' ramble? oh yeah.

Sep 01, 2005 02:29

I'm curious as to why I always get the strongest desires to design, paint, program, and be creative when I really can't do anything about it.

Right now I'm dead tired, my eyes hurt right now by keeping them open. Yet I really want to start up Photoshop and being work on a design. Even more so, I'm tempted to open up the new set of acrylic paints I bought a few days ago and start on a painting I've been brooding over for a few weeks now. Then of course there's always Dreamweaver taunting me, two fold with that one even! I have both a new website I'd like to build, and my movies php project I'd like to enhance.

Oh what is a nerdy art lover to do?

Speaking of all that however: I've decided that all the art I produce from here until November I will be putting up for sale at an art show Cory told me of. At least I think it was in November. I'm also going to buy an incredibly cheap (read: shit) SLR camera off Ebay soon and take up photography. Maybe in hopes of selling a few pictures as well? Who knows.

Who knows if I'll even do half the things I just mentioned? I'm currently completely enthralled in the 6th Harry Potter book. By the hold it has over me, I doubt I'll do anything until I finish it: Which should only be a few nights from now. I have quite a few things left unfinished at the moment because of them: A halfway dismantled new-ish skateboard, a almost completely dismantled computer case, and a completely  broken computer left in shambles (though that's waiting for the next payday), and a room that's pretty much in complete disarray.

I like the direction I'm going in. Really, having so many unfinished projects is quite nice. Knowing any day / night of the week I will pretty much always have something to occupy myself, no matter the situation is slightly comforting, in an odd twisted way.

Now I just need to get my own place, with a few extra rooms. Than I could have a room to a project, or multiple projects as that would go. It always amazed me how many traditional artists I know go for months on end working on a few different paintings, never really calling any finished. Nor how many of the artists of history I've studied would have a timeline of a painting go for 2 years and than some and still be called "incomplete". It makes total sense to me now.

Maybe that's what a "real" artist feels like most of the time? A scattered brain and an attention span of a gnat?

It's all a step away from madness - and I love it.
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