Jul 30, 2006 22:11
On the road to drunk.
I love Cambridge more than I've loved anything outside of my family and celebrities. It's so sad when you realize you will never be able to accurately describe this experience to anyone. My mother will probably understand, but I doubt anyone else will care to see the significance.
I really don't want to come home yet. One week. I have so much left to do in Europe. I have not conquered Europe at all. At the Louvre I was only interested in things related to Napoleon and that made Chad uneasy. I am no Napoleon. Wow do you want to know something interesting? Charlie Chaplin was obsessed with Napoleon. I have to tell Daniela this. Everything makes so much sense.
Cambridge '06: I feel nothing; Bacon Cake; We all want mass suicide; it all makes so much sense. Choose all that apply.
I left the pub to update because I'm getting too drunk too fast. I'm actually overcome with sadness at the thought of leaving, and also because Daniela refuses to work through this situation. Daniela, work through it. It's not permanent!
Chad bought a beret in Paris and he wears it everyday. He looks like a fucking idiot but I'm the only one who will tell him to his face. No one wears berets outside of cartoons. "Chad".
I don't remember why I thought updating was such a good idea, but I remember thinking it was going to be so good.
Get your head out of the clouds and back in the water where it belongs.