Jan 12, 2004 10:34
I am in T.A. class right now, and fortunetly my teacher doesn't have any work for me to do. I opted to go onto the computer to both update my journal and check out LD. I've been sooo busy, especially with Robyn lol. On Saturday night, my mom let me go over to Robyns house. It was a fun night. When I got there, he took a shower and I watched Law and Order. When he got out of the shower, he smelled so friggin good LOL. We layed on his bed for like an hour just talking and kissing. I told him (in more detail) on why I am staying a virign till im married and he was actually pretty understanding. I left at 11 o'clock. I was orginally supposed to be home by 11, but i called my mom and asked to stay longer. I got home like at 11:20. I went straight to bed because i had to work on Sunday.
On Sunday, I made $87... go me! I worked my butt off LOL. Like around 4:15, i was putting away some dirty dishes when my manager, Jack came over to me and tapped me on my shoulder. He asked for me to come with him. I thought i was in trouble or something. I hestiated at first, but then i went with him. I walked over into main station and I saw a birthday cake with my name on it (see, at my work we celebrate everyones bdays with a cake and everyone sings...) So everyone sang to me and i got all shy LOL. At the end, everyone started chanting Robyns name to go over and give me a hug and kiss. So infront of everyone, he comes over gives me a hug and a kiss on the neck, and then a kiss on the lips. It was so cute. Everyone was like "Awwww!" all at the same time. I felt so special LOL
I left work around 5:30. I stopped by Burger King and got my sister and I some food. I got home and ate, and then put on a nice shirt and fixed my make up. My youth pastor, Randys going away party was at 6:30. It was quite sad and an emotional night. I cried. When Randy finally got up to the stage to talk, everyone in the church stood up and started clapping for him. That was on awesome moment. I left the church at 8. I got home and finished making my flash cards for English. I memorized 50 vocabulary words plus my language developement sheets. I went to bed fairly early, 9:45. I texted message Robyn w/ "Buenas Noches...Love Jenna "Guzman" (his last name)
The rest of my English Final went pretty good. I'm pretty sure that I aced the vocab, and i think i probably got a B on the language development. Now, I am here at school typing away LOL. I have to go to Sizzler today to get my mentor verification sheet signed by my manager for school (For my senior project, i am managing Sizzler for a weekend, and i have to have a mentor). I'm going to go around 3 cause thats when Robyn will be taking his break (hopefully lol). I am planning on going over to his house tonight too. He gets off at 8:30, so ill probably go over there around 9, and maybe leave around 10. I have restructuring day on Tuesday and Wednesday. I start school at 8:22 on Tuesday, so i can sleep in a lil bit. Well, thats it for now....now its on to LD lol
(yo Ariana, last night my computer froze when i went to send you the pics from our last hang out, ill attempt to send them again tonight...sorry girl!)