Nov 13, 2007 08:32
If you meet me the chances are fairly good that I am going to look down on you. Not because I am some aging (sorry dad deal) rocker stars kid or because I am rich because my mom made a lot of skin flicks. The fact is I can't help it at 6'7" I look down on almost everyone. It's just a fact of my life.
I am also sometimes called Rock Royalty but that is usually by my dad and I don't pay much attention to him even on camera. I am a product of him though like a bout a zillion other things. The man has seriously or maybe not so seriously put his name on toilet paper and sold it. No, I am not kidding. Check it out on Google if you think I am. I saw it once in someones bathroom but I don't use it. That would be freaky. So far the only thing I have sold is more or less me.
I am Nick Simmons and you can catch me on A&E's Simmons Family Jewels or you can add me here or both. Both would be good. Yeah I am a little like the old man but lets face it nobody is gonna pay me to do a skin flick.