Dec 14, 2005 10:59

Well I just talked to Jess and although she is sore, her surgery went well. That's good news! Me, Marty and Steph are fixing to go see her in the hospital. Jess and I went to look at the house the other day, although it needs MINOR work done, it's a cute house. I think they are supposed to have all the repairs done before we move in on FEBRUARY 1 but if it's not finished, they are little things we can live with until they get them done. I'm excited about moving again! Although Jess and I have had our ups and downs, I think we'll be good roommates. I still haven't told my work I'm leaving. Pray for me, I'm not good with goodbyes!! We had the Christmas party on Sunday, it was nice! One of the least stressful parties we've had I think. Thanks to my personal photographer, we got some cute pictures of everyone with Santa. Friday is Cirque Solie (or however you spell it), I'm excited! I heard the new one is awesome!! Then Saturday the 3 C's work together AND we're going out, YAY for that!! Anywho, I need to get a shower so I can go see Jess, just thought I'd do a quick update....
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