I'll save this for a Livejournal Exclusive (Twitter and all sorts of programs to twitter has been consuming my life)...
but this has to be the single funniest god damned thing i've read all month:
Just Asking: Is Michael Phelps a Douche? no, seriously...
Lucy got kennel cough from school. Yes, we get her vaccinated against it. Yes, this is the second time she's gotten sick from school-related-illnesses in the last month. and yes, she really likes eating her pills from Greenies "Pill-Pop'ems" so soft and meaty.
This also marks the end of my first week as a Vegetarian. Y'know, it's been a lot easier than I imagined. As long as i take it slow and follow my own rules (I'm allowing myself Thanksgiving and Frankenmuth), I should do pretty well.