Feb 06, 2006 21:12
Wow, Bio is a pain. I was up until three doing AP Biology practice exams last night, and it was around that time that that peculiar dry sensation began to manifest itself in my throat.
Oh, boy.
My tongue wandered back towards my throat, and the lacerations made by the dried skin peeling throbbed at the touch. I was sick; but worse, my throat was shredded. Forget the chills and aches; nothing is worse than when it hurts to swallow and breathe. I knew I wasn't going to school.
Yet I had to. And here is where it comes full circle. Bio. Ms. Haffield demanded that the test be returned and completed, "February 6th---no exceptions!!!" So I had to go just to turn that in. I stuck around for calc, too- we all helped each other with Euro.
I barely made it- I took two Comtrex and four Tylenol as I left. Sure I wasn't in much pain, but my head was floating all over. I went to the doctor's office afterward, and got an appointment for tomorrow. Should've been today, but they were full.
Something bothers me about sitting in physicians' waiting rooms. That thing is that everyone is sick- it's a pit of festering bacteria and viruses browsing and carousing through this bonanza of real estate called human bodies. Sure I am sick, but that guy over there is dying...I don't want that.
The highlight of the day was getting MacGyver season two, and reading 100 pages of Wizard and Glass. Tomorrow I get to play hooky once again, and with that I have decided to just enjoy a good night's sleep.