So as I was sitting in church this morning I decided, God's probably pretty pissed at how much Bible's cost. I mean, if you think about it, we should really be handing them out for free. I've seen em' at the dollar store, while finding the same exact one in Target for $8. I understand that maybe $8 isn't a lot of money, but if the whole point is to
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i've always had two minds on this - i kind of like having a formal bible that i respect and keep special as it feels right to do so. but then again, i also think that having one that is battered and tatty and used and cheap is far more practical and that's what the bible should be about really. far better to have one that's used and shows it - my little pocket bible has been through years of abuse on beach missions and the like yet still stays together so probably that's a good sign!
old fashioned as anything (use new king james or AV as default bibles, don't let women do a thing, half expect women to wear head covering to pray etc etc) but they do a very good job and i spent a happy ten years doing it up until a couple of years ago when me and god started having "issues"
but i think these questions will demand answers and those answers will - build me when i am out of the lincoln nightmare. that's what i keep telling myself anyway!
Still hunting for the plag. sheet...
i forced mine back for ages, and to be honest the danger of bringing them to the fore is that it did rather come at a time when i was generally getting a bit - well lazy isn't quite the word, but i don't push myself enough and can get apathetic. so bad churches + questioning + a place i don't like and feel a bit fed up in = lazy so and so who might be using his problems as an excuse for a lie in on a sunday
i'm hoping that when i leave lincoln next year (god well and truly willing) the change in place and what i'm doing will kick start a real desire to seek again...
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