Feb 22, 2004 19:08
Ahh, back at last. This weekend was the craziest of my life. Friday, Blaise picked me up and we headed down to Cal Poly for Mardi Gras. We arrived at Jeff and Mikey's dorm at about two and busted out Blaise's big ass bottle of vintage R.H. Phillips (a woodland classic) Syrah. I got relatively drunk off of it, but I guess no one else did. Us Santa Cruz kids are just lightweights I guess. Unfortunately, the drunkeness soon faded into tiredness, until we hit up a kegger at about six. I had a few cups and Jeff and Blaise hit up the beer pong. We went over to Mary's and once again came down, until Jeff finally scored a keg at one a.m. We enjoyed some jovial conversation and partial nudity until we were eventually all shitfaced. As it always seems with alcohol, there was some drama, but I would like to think that specific drama is as resolved as it is going to be. I almost got into a couple fights with random people on the street and enjoyed some more partial nudity. At six a.m. I eventually hit the sack. I enjoyed two blissful hours of sleep until Mary's roomate got back from jail (for MIP, DIP, and resisting arrest) at eight. I started the day off right by stealing Jeff's car and taking Sarah, Stephen and David to Denny's. I loved how when I left I had the same sick, disgusted feeling that is normally reserved for leaving the dining hall. I went back to mary's and picked up jeff and the two of us went back to his dorm where he went back to sleep and I just stewed about and eventually bathed and walked back to Mary's. We just hung out for the most part until we could score more alcohol at ten. However, at that point Mary's apartment complex was blocked off, and being heavily patrolled, by the billions of police officers that plagued the city. So, while everyone else planned to disperse and look for random parties to go to, Andy, Jeff and I hatched an elaborate scheme to sneak alcohol through the back of Mary's complex. Our plot involved the use of two vehicles, five people, seventy dollars worth of beer. Fortunately, our McGuyveresque plan worked to perfection and we were well on our way to drunken oblivion by eleven. After a few drinks we dispersed and joined the roaming masses in good, old-fashioned civil disobedience, not to mention partial nudity. I was part of a mass of people that were contained by riot police by tear gas and pepper-gas filled paintballs. It was all good though, they definitely received their fair share of taunting and beer bottles to the head. It was definitely the craziest experience of my life. The night ended, as all good drunken nights do, with a little taco bell and a trip back to jeff's dorm. It was a fitting way to end a perfectly insane weekend.