Complete Stream of Randomness, yeah, that's me.

Apr 07, 2009 17:20

What are your thoughts on the new trend of simplicification in ingredients comprising our food? There's an article in todays Post about it, even a picture of Haagen Dazs Ginger ice cream, which I just so hapen to have in my freezer (yes, its good). Basic jist is companies are trying to market a more "healthful" image, Haagan Dazs has its new Five series, just five ingredients, Frito-Lay is boasting only 3 ingredients are involved in making its chips, Snapple boasts "real sugar" as a highlight of some of its drinks. So what do you think? Does the idea sell to you? I must admit that the ability to read actual ingredients on a label vs the chemistry exam-like lists of additives and preservatives is appealing, but ultimately I feel just my regular annoyance at marketing in general. My annoyance stems from how susceptible the public is to these gimmicks. Im sorry but ice cream, candy, and chips are never going to be good FOR YOU they just TASTE GOOD.

Today I learned that the 26.2 miles of a marathon is based on Pheidippides epic run from Marathon to Athens...where he then colapsed and died. I want to run why? heh Thats a very good question. I've been really intrigued by running on and off over the last two or so years, and I think this will be the year to finally make it a habit. With walking dogs five days a week I am averaging a little over 2 hours of straight walking/exercise each day. I've been slowly adding running here and there. Sunday I decided to go running with Pax and actually accomplished a +2 mile run without stopping! It was a slow run, but a run nonetheless and I felt victorious about it.

Did you hear about the pornography shown at U-Md? They showed a portion of Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge, even after threats from the states legislation. I say GOOD for them! The intention of showing this film had nothing to do with the pornograpthy itself in the first place. Even if it was, are not most college students over the age of 18? Meaning they are able to purchase pornographic material and even get into some strip clubs? A person is considered an adult at this age and as an adult can choose whether or not they want to attend a particular showing or not, why does the state need to get involved? The state argues that the university has no right to show this type of "entertainment" and are threatening financial punsihment. These threats are ridiculous and crass. If a movie of this nature is being shown with the intention to promote open discourse on sex, society, morality, free speech, etc, then where is the problem? These type of discussions arent going to pull themselves out of thin air? Nor is a plain posterboard in the cafeteria going to generate this kind of response and showing. Its above and beyond the sex, but when did sex become so bad anyways?

Still lonely here. Its my own fault, but having no money and no job (dogs arent really talkative coworkers) makes it a bit hard to meet people. Sometimes I feel like Pax and his mom's maid, but thats my own fault as well. Awareness does not solve anything, though I guess its a starting place.

Virginia's weather is beautiful compared to Massachusetts. Spring here is really and truly spring. The weather constantly changes. The tree buds and newly budding flowers are prominent. Its just nice to be aware of the season, usually I feel like only notice when its too late and I miss it.

Thats enough babble, I think its time to write penpals and reheat my tea.
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