S9Ep08 Young Man With A Horn
Even if you haven't seen Season 12* yet, here is your opportunity to squee about canon, because we're back with a classic episode full of Nick/Greg goodness \o/
Our two favorite CSIs are sent to the outskirts of town to investigate an old casino. Now we all know how much Greg loves to share his knowledge about Old Vegas, especially when he has Nick's full attention, so of course he goes into fanboy mode and Nick lets him :-)
But first there is a bit of a bittersweet moment, ahw....
Nick: Man, the last time I was this deep in the hood, I was on a case with Warrick.
{Ahw, Nicky}
{BONUS COMPOSITION - it had to be done}
{Greg knows exactly what Nick needs to chase away bad memories: to focus on the case. So that's what he does. *sniffle*}
Greg: Got some track marks here. 11 inches apart. Same as the other ones I found.
{Nick examines the fence and finds some pink threads}
Nick: Layla was wearing a pink sweater when she left the Palermo.
Nick: We have a crime scene; no warrant needed.
Greg: If Layla did get inside, someone locked up after her.
Nick: Wow, it is like someone yelled “fire” 50 years ago, and nobody came back.
Greg: Yeah, I can still feel it in the air. Legends walked here: Louis Armstrong, Nat King Cole, Diana Washington. First integrated casino in town.
{Greg has a total look of awe on his face; he's walking through a part of Old Vegas history!}
Greg: The place was smoking so hot every night, they added a 2.30 am show. Sinatra, The Rat Pack. All the white headliners and tourists came down from the strip, the place was swinging ‘til dawn...
{Don't you just love how he keeps babbling as they both walk in slow motion, taking in the scene, while Nick patiently listens?}
Greg: Then six months after it opened the joint closed over night.
Nick: How come?
Greg: A rumor has it the Kansas City mob didn’t like the East coast boys poaching their pigeons. Back then there were only eight or nine casinos on the strip. Seven or eight hundred people were here instead of there ...well...do the math.
Greg: This cart can match the tracks I found: Rancho Linen Service.
Nick: Hey, give me some light over here, will you?
{Translation: I want you close to me}
Nick: This is the only table without a tablecloth.
Nick: We’ve got blood.
Nick: Better call PD, track down the owner of the building.
Nick: It is time to reopen Le Chateau Rouge.
A little later. Grissom is on the scene now as well. Not that our guys notice;) Check this out...
Nick: Got something else that wasn't here 50 years ago: a cellphone. It's Layla's. Explains why we didn't find one on her or in her room.
Nick: The last function was... video camera. Hey Greg, check this out.
{Heehee, Nick doesn't even pay attention to Grissom who's standing right next to him! How cute is that?}
{See how far away Greg was? Nick had to yell for him across the theatre! Of course Greg jumps on the stage for a chance to get up close and personal;)}
Greg: That costume was in the dressing room.
Nick: Looks like Kip is working the flashlight and the camera.
Grissom: Surprised by the sax man?
{Yeah, we don't know what he's talking about either;) }
Greg: So he kills her, wraps her up, rolls her body out of here on a cart, comes back, puts the cart back, puts the costume back...
Grissom: He put everything back the way it was 50 years ago.
{Greg is obviously not paying attention to Grissom, heheheheh. These guys}
So. What do you think? Wasn't this a nice set of moments? Which one did you like best? The one where Greg comforts Nick with just a look? The one where Nick indulges Greg's babbling? Or the one where they totally forget that Grissom is standing next to them?
We loved all of it :-D
Your Mods,
BeeLikeJ, Sillie and SlashxYouxUp
*P.S. If you did see the final episode and want to talk about it, go
here!. If you want to speculate about the next season -because CSI will be back after the summer, yay!- feel free to make a post. Just make sure all possible spoilers are behind a cut!!