Nov 28, 2004 18:52
I'm really hoping that someday soon a drunk driver decides to get really hammed and drive and plough directly into me at breakneck speeds...well cause i want him to break my neck. And then i wash my hands of this stupid life and i'm not responsible for it. This weekend just really blew and quite frankly nothing is makin me feel better and quite frankly no one has tried nor do i think i want them to try. As's to elitist fuckers. Hope life on the 'top rung' is fucking awesome, make sure to look down your nose at me every now and then. And i hate watchin good girls turn into hoes...but i'm not supposed to know about her hoeness so i'm not allowed to say anything. And there is nothing more aggravating than wanting to scrap ALL nite...lookin, hopin but not gettin one. Cause now i have all this pent up anger to go along with this shitty weekend. And i fucking HATE's the biggest load of bullshit, especially when FUCKING RETARDS are not only coworkers but also your bosses. And LP and Jay-Z collabo...not entirely awful, but it hurt to see and hear. Jay-Z spittin rhymes over top modified LP beats...but rhymes about his yatch and shit. Most of the lyrics were pretty good but does he know what band he's paired with? You leave your bling at the door when you sing with LP moron. So the title? I'm holding out for someone to kill me so i have no responsibility when i leave this fucked up world and its fucked up beliefs and its fucked up people.