Jan 07, 2008 10:50
random things to know when planning a trip somewhere..
*fly monday nt after 7pm to thursday before 12 noon (off peak hours... cheaper airfare)
* if you need to get a hotel where you go look into craigslist for condos or rentals.( i went to hawaii for 4 nts and paid 500 bucks for a oceaa view 1 bdrm condo// the owner rented out on craigslist or it was on maui rentals.com do some resarch, bc hotels in that area where 600 bucks per night with no view.)
*if you wan to go abroad you can get your passport same day at this place in seattle near the airport. Dont apply for your passport in the months of february to june peak months and it can take up to 3 monbths to get it back if you do normal order. Smae day passports cost 150 bucks and you can find this option out in your area.
*if you are traveling with a toddler who is antsy in the plane and have a bad seat on the plane the last two rows in the back of the plane are always left open for flight attendants to use or incase situations. you can ask to sit there and they dont mind bc it will save them a hassle to deal with the person sitting next to you being grumpy. you can move back once you get the child asleep or you can sit there and they can sprawl out. also great for nursing.
*if you cant afford a trip to paris you can buy a cheaper ticket to a different destination in europe and take the train anywhere else on rail europe for dirt i mean dirt cheap. ( thanks stephanie for reminding me)
* if you have a friend or know a friend who works for an airline ask for a buddy pass you can even offer to buy it from them. eric a di used this method to go to hawaii on 240 per person during peak travel times.
*airline tickets are not cheaper if you have a bunch of connections they cost more... bc they have seperate airport taxes for each airport.. so stick with a ticket with less connections.
* trips to mexico are not as expensive as you think bc hotels are very inexpencive there and some include the price of a meal or two.
* if you fly domestically arrive at the airport an hour before you leave and get to check point to get on the flt at 30 minutes prior that is when boarding starts and they shut the door ten minutes before the time it says on your ticket...
* if you fly with a stroller or a carseat they are not included in your cargo amount and if you can have them placed in the plane when you get to board it.
* if you fly on horizon air alcohol and drinks are free. you can check more bags in also at the airplane side bc they have an ala carte system.
Rt now my mind is blank but if you have a question im sure i might be able to help.