Turkey, football, snow, and Librarians.

Nov 30, 2008 22:11

Thanksgiving was good. Yummy food, time with family, decent weather, etc. Got back late Friday night, then had the playoff game Saturday. The crowd is traditionally way smaller on Thanksgiving weekend, but it's always an awesome crowd. Highlight of the game:

Background info: We scored, one of the defensive guys was Unhappy, so he bitch-slapped one of our players. (Dude, you're wearing helmets. Think about it.) 15-yard penalty, assessed on kickoff. We kick the extra point, our kicker gets mugged by a defensive guy. Another 15-yard penalty to be assessed on kickoff.

Ref: "This penalty will also be assessed on the kickoff. The ball will be kicked from the 7.5 yard li--correction. The ball will be kicked from the.... The penalty will be assessed.... This way." *gestures*
Crowd: *cracks up*

You could almost see the ref do a mental facepalm. Probably didn't help that all the other officials were laughing at him, too. And this, boys and girls, is another example of why your teachers always said you really WOULD use math when you grew up.


It's been snowing since late last evening, so it's really wet and slippery now that it's dropped below freezing. I'm really hoping for a 2-hour delay - I know it won't happen, but I can have hope, right? *g* It'd be a nice way to come back after the holiday. God knows the kids' brains will still be on vacation...

Happy Birthday, spleeny! I missed it, but I'll spread a little late joy this way -

The Librarian 3: The Curse of the Judas Chalice airs on TNT Sunday, December 7, at 7 pm CST.

WHEEE! They do say "The final chapter begins" on one of the previews, but in one of the interviews Noah Wyle says it's always been their ambition to make as many of these as they can, so... *bounce*

funnies, tv, movies, weather, family, football, b-day

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