11 weeks and counting!

Mar 24, 2008 17:43

Break was pretty good - better than I was anticipating. I was really stressed about leaving, mainly because my testing schedule got completely screwed with snow days, late starts, me being sick, kids being sick, etc. I wound up staying at school all day, every day for the entire two weeks before break - usually because the hour I could test a kid was in the middle of the afternoon - so I was pretty cranky by the time Friday rolled around.

Spent a nice day at the zoo in Fort Worth, drove through driving rain from Dallas to Tulsa. Turns out that was the storm that dropped 10-12" of rain on southern Missouri in less than 24 hours. Which of course, was where we were going. So yeah, all the flooding you've seen on the news, with regards to southern MO, Oklahoma, and Arkansas? That's exactly where we were.

Got to my grandma's Wednesday night after taking about an hour to go 2 miles because the eastbound lanes of the highway were underwater. Got a bunch of dead/fallen trees cut up for firewood next year, so that was good. My greatest accomplishment was right before we left on Saturday, when a truck came up the drive. They told me to look out and see who it was - ironic, since I recognize approximately four of my relatives from down there. Fortunately, it was one of the four! I did a little "I recognized a relative!" dance.

Came home to find out we'd been TP-d, or at least, the attempt had been made. There was very little in the tree and about five almost-full rolls on the ground, so I'm guessing they got scared off before they could finish the job. Mom: "I can't think who would TP us!" Me: "Mom. We work at the high school. I can't believe it hasn't happened before this."

Now the fun part begins - the week before spring break was the first time since Christmas break that we had a full week of school. Seriously, every week has been at least partially shortened due to finals, holidays, work days, in-service, snow days, late starts, or early outs.

Now? Between today and the end of school - June 4 - we have 2 days off. One in April that's in exchange for the two nights we work doing conferences, and then Memorial Day. It's gonna be hell. Thank GOD I have all three of my personal days left.

And on a humorous related note, some guy in the Sunday paper said if we gave teachers guns, we wouldn't have as many school shootings. Bwahahahahaha! Well, not shootings where a KID is the gunman... Yeah, we all thought that was freaking hilarious.
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