How is it September already?

Sep 01, 2007 17:02

September always sneaks up on me. You'd think that with school starting, I'd know it was right around the corner. Instead, I think I get so caught up in the frenzy of the start of the school year, I barely register the days zooming by.

Which is my excuse for why I never, ever get zeplum's card/gift sent to her in time for her birthday. ;) The only thing I can do on time is use LJ to say Happy Birthday, Käthe! May this year be better than the last. Love ya, babe!


Almost two years ago, UNI played Appalachian State in the I-AA championship game. Today, Appalachian State - still a I-AA team - beat I-A #5 Michigan, 34-32. YEAH, baby.

football, b-day

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