Spent three hours tonight putting a second coat on the bathroom ceiling, then a first coat on the walls. It's a small bathroom, but it's really cut up so there was a ton of trim to do. And as hard as it was to find the yellow I wanted, I think I got pretty close, which makes me happy.
Over the past few weeks I've made some references to working on drapes for the porch (three walls of windows, with only a fireplace breaking up one wall). Now that we have two sets done, I have pics to share!
The original blinds were probably the ones installed when they built the addition in approx. 1980, so while they were godawful hideous, we couldn't do much until we found a cheap alternative.
Then we had an idea.
In addition, walls have since been repainted white, fireplace has been cleaned up.
Windows to the right of the fireplace
Windows on the left - they were just hung up so they aren't hanging flat yet, and the sun is at the right angle to come through the slats, but it was the best shot I could get. The slats also overlap, so sometimes words and borders look a bit funky. :)
Each of these windows used 26 slats that were each 3" wide, 52" long. I have two more windows that use 13 each, one wall of windows that takes 50 slats, and the porch door which will be 24 slats that are 78" long. The first window took 9 maps, the second took 13 plus bits of 4 more. I'm gonna need a LOT more maps... I also still have to do the headers (probably the maps from space/constellations/planets/etc., if I can find enough). But it's turning out pretty damn cool, so it'll be worth it.