Margaret J

Oct 15, 2011 08:10

Well since my last post my kids have gotten older && crazier. I've also had an entire new baby!
My Margarita is such a strong little baby, she was born with congenital cataracts in both eyes
& has had 2 surgeries possibly another 3 but for sure1 more when shes about 1yr old
She was also born with a heart murmur &a hole.
Yesterday was her 2nd cardiology appt her murmur is thinning out but her hole is still the concern.
Her dr basically said he wants to do a procedure to close the hole when shes us another 8 pounds
The procedure is to go through her leg using a heart catheter he really is trying to avoid doing surgery
Even though she has all of these health issues, expenses,& surgeries shes the happiest baby
I love her so matter what I'm going through or how I'm feeling I know that if she can smile I can smile.
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