City of Angels

Apr 04, 2008 21:11

I love you

&& im moving back<3


been packin for the last 2 days n im butt tired

Jesse bot me a ring few weeks a go i wore it for 6 days n a diamond fell out :(
N today we took our last trip to the mall over here n dropped my ring off to get fixed BUT it wont be ready til MONDAY
so my uncles gona pik it up fr me n then drop it off when he comes to LA  next week.

There was a shit load of drama like i was bout 2 seconds away from fuckin up uncles GF n then trashin this fuckin place just to top it off.    but  my uncle donald told my uncle tommy to talk to me n he came in tryint o lay down his argument but we ended up just hearing each other n understandin eachother n he hugged me n i cried. so that was dun wit lol. but wit DEE his gf that was a bad fuckin "conversation" she was fuckin difficult n irratain the whole time n i told her she was fucing pissin me off n that how it ended

but the next day she was trying to be super nice to me...n i let her lol...cuz i figured my uncle said sumthin to ehr n she was tryin so she did my nails n made dinner n was just kool n it was nice to have my friend back.

Tomorrows the big day & im very excted to be getting out of here & getting back to the hood<3
going to be a long day but i cant wait to PUFF PUFF >.<
n gett drunk<33  woot woot wit tha homies/familia

gotta find beans a new doctor maybe

off to sleep

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