chaoticcalamity dropped by from Pittsburgh to watch some Farscape with us. (I understand she is also in town to recruit UT undergrads into the grad school cabal.) Seeing her again was particularly cool since this spring will be my first without visiting Pittsburgh since I graduated.
I just think that the two-part episode we just watched had really nifty titles. The first half is "Daedalus Demands;" the second is "Icarus Abides." Unfortunately, I cannot explain how appropriate the titles are without giving away the show.
Also, my adventures in food preparation continue. Today I learned that removing the insides of mushrooms, chopping them up, and stuffing them back inside is a real pain. I wonder if mushrooms have nightmares about this kind of thing. Anyway, the end result was quite satisfactory, at least from a human-centric, fungus-consuming perspective.