(no subject)

Jul 24, 2009 17:07

Welcome to nickiunicorn's
massive meme post.
WARNING: All memes are very, very old.

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

Logan/Veronica: Logan/Veronica were the first ever ship I really really adored. From being friends when Lilly was alive and Veronica was a pussy to both of them becoming darker and thoroughly hating each other after she died, then slowly becoming friends when they both had missing moms and then BAM and underage detective takes a beating that he totally deserves and Momentary Thing plays while the single greatest thing to ever happen on
television occurs. And that's just season one. Basically their entire relationship is Veronica kicking ass and Logan kicking ass for her when she gets in way over her head, and vice versa, with lots of snark and a pinch of spinny kisses sprinkled on top. And then there's the rooftop, and saving each other's lives, and there are all the elevator scenes and all the jealousy when they're dating other peole and for God's sake just watch the final scene in the cafeteria in the series final! My love for LoVe has no true words. It shall forever be my ultimate, absolute OTP.
sylvia (alwaysfool)
jessy (mundodeamor)

Chris Lowell: I adored Chris Lowell in Veronica Mars, despite the fact that there's so much hate in the fandom for Piz. I DONUT CAR. He's adorable. Even if he was all wrong for Veronica. ANYWAY I'm getting off-topic. I loved him so much I followed him to Private Practice, which is kind of a tragedy of a show that revolves solely around sex, despite my beloved Dell being the only employee that isn't a sex-crazed teenager in disguise. Welllll, I'm ashamed to say I haven't actually seen any of the other stuff he's in BUT all his movies are on my list and I really want to watch LAWKI if it makes up for it. OH and there was that video with him and KBell - CUTEST THING EVER.
sylvia (alwaysfool)

Willa Holland: I loved her in The OC and especially Gossip Girl, but I'm not obsessed with her as an actress. I just think she is extremely fabulous and gorgeous and lives an awesome lifestyle. And I desperately want her GG character to come back, because she was basically insane, and I really felt it gave the show a little something extra. ;)
sylvia (alwaysfool)
gabby (delacourt)
danielle (honeydewdrops)

Gossip Girl: Hello, it's Gossip Girl! I read the books ages ago so I HAD to watch the show, and despite the serious differences I adore it. The Blair/Serena friendship is probably my favorite friendship of any show, and the non-judging breakfast club is amaaaazing. This show also constantly makes me jump ship and change my mind about characters simply by supplying an endless supply of drama. I used to hate Jenny, Serena, Nate, Dan, and Chuck, adore Blair and Vanessa, and then I loooooved Jenny and hated Vanessa, and now I think everyone is kind of awesome. Nate is amazing just for being a complete PIMP. Blair can be a brat but is clearly HBIC. Serena is just adorable and bubbly and has great boobs. Vanessa is cool sometimes. Jenny just keeps getting better and better. And really? Do I even need to explain my love for Chuck?
sylvia (alwaysfool)
jessy (mundodeamor)

Blink-182: Oh come on. It's Blink-182. One of my all-time favorite bands. I love Blink-182 because I can search through they're songs and no matter what I'm going through I can find one that will relate to it. I guess that pretty much goes for most teenagers but still. I luhh them. AND I'M GOING TO SEE THEM SEPTEMBER 13 HOLY SHIT.
gabby (delacourt)

gabby (delacourt)

ships/boats: Haha okay so Gabby's just a freak and gave me this one because there was this dance on a boat I was going to go to and I didn't even get to end up going so yeah.
gabby (delacourt)

Chuck Palahniuk: Chuck P. is my favorite author. I haven't read everything by him yet but by God I am TRYING. I just think he's completely amazing and never fails to blow me away with all the insane SHIT he writes about!
marguerite (heartonashelf)
danielle (honeydewdrops)

Kristen Bell: Aww she's adorable. Best role ever in Veronica Mars. Was fabbity-fab in Heroes. Loved her in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I try to watch everything she's in. I just think she's veryyyyyy awesome and she is easily my favorite actress.
marguerite (heartonashelf)
jessy (mundodeamor)

Scrubs: YAY Scrubs is a great show haha. It's hilarious. If I'm watching TV and a few shows I like are on, I pretty much will choose this one over most. It always makes me laugh out loud, and then I get embarrassed when no one else laughs and laugh harder if there's no one else around. Even my brother loves this show, and he hates everything I like, pretty much. The characters are just perfect, each funny in their own way, and the whole show just comes together perfectly. The series finale was PERFECT, they did it exactly the way it should have been, and I was like 'what?' when I found out there was going to be a new season. But idc, I will probably watch it anywhooo.
marguerite (heartonashelf)

Patrick Dempsey: He's so damn pretty okay. I looooooove him in Grey's Anatomy. I'm not saying his acting skills are the best thing ever because I haven't seen him in much of anything else that's very serious, but he's great in Grey's, and Mer/Der is also way up there in my favorite ships. Oh! And he's the best thing EVER in Loverboy, if anyone has seen it. If not, PLEASE DO. Free On Demand, I think!
marguerite (heartonashelf)

Epic Thread of Love: Well~ when Shanice moved journals obviously I had to comment her FO post to get added back and we weren't even super biffles at the time but we quickly became so when this simple, unsuspecting request to be added back turned into a MONSTROUS COMMENT THREAD that continues to grow to this day and demonstrates the size of our love for one another. ♥
shanice (corsettes)

JoVe >>>>>>>> LoVe: OH FAK we broke up hahahahaha. JoVe is NOT greater than LoVe, Shanice.
shanice (corsettes)

Grey's Anatomy: Okay I know half the world thinks this show is terrible and that's kind of what it's become, but I am in love with it anyway. First and second seasons are some of the best seasons of any television show, and the finales? Holy crap. I love all the drama that goes down, and I was cool with all the sex too when it was just the old characters, but now all the new characters are doing with each other and it's kind of weird. But I miss the old days when it was the five magic interns sleeping with their bosses who also tended to hate them. I also miss Addison and Burke a looooot. Merideth/Derek is also amazing okay thank you.
shanice (corsettes)
danielle (honeydewdrops)

Lazer Tag: I was supposed to go play lazer tag. I bragged about it to Shanice and she didn't know what it was. I never actually went. The end.
shanice (corsettes)

Jackass Yellow: Yellow is the color of the amaaazing Sexterra owned by one Logan Echolls who is the love of my life. The car me and Emmy used to bond over all the time~ what happened to these bonding moments, Emmy? Jesus. I also salute yellow Xterras whenever I drive by them, which is actually a lot lol. Point is, Shanice was jealous of Emmy and my because I am the sex to her terra and she just couldn't deal.
shanice (corsettes)

having a life without Shanice: I have a life. Shanice does not. Kapeesh?
shanice (corsettes)

bagel bites: Well at the time when Shanice gave me these words I was eating a lot of bagel bites and I used to tell her about it all the time. Funny thing is, I still eat bagel bites soooooooo much. They're amazing okay.
shanice (corsettes)

Project Trapezoid: Shanice and my writing project in which we beta for each other which never really happened except for that one fic she wrote but I'm going to get on it soooon~
shanice (corsettes)

softball: I play softball! I pitch and I play first base. I'm on my school's varsity team, and I play tournament ball in the summer. I luh my tournament team to death.
jen (askfor_me)

memes/friending memes: I LOVE THEM AND I DO THEM TOO MUCH.
jessy (mundodeamor)

Mean Girls: Mean Girls! Best movie ever! Really is one of my favorites, which seems out of place among all my other favorite movies, lol. But it is absolutely amazing and I can quote practically the whole thing. It will never ever get old. I named the fish I had to take care of in APES class Glenn Coco. That's how far my love for this movie extends.
danielle (honeydewdrops)
jen (askfor_me)

Veronica Mars: IS MY FAVORITE SHOW EVER. Was the first fandom I was ever really obsessed with, and is really what ended up getting me into lj at all. Idek what to say about Veronica Mars except that I've seen the pilot at least 12 times. That sum it up for you?
danielle (honeydewdrops)
jessy (mundodeamor)
jen (askfor_me)

Mer/Der: Aw I love Mer/Der so much. Mostly I love them in the first three seasons, especially with all Meredith's fucked-up-ness and Derek looking so pretty when he cries. Their relationship regarding things like the bomb and the drowning arc is what keeps me watching this show just hoping something amazing like that could happen again. OH AND ADDISON being introduced on the show and tearing them apart was like the greatest plotline EVER.
jen (askfor_me)

Jack's Mannequin: Favorite band! I love them a lot. Everything in Transit = best album I own. The Glass Passenger was weak, but that does not erase my love for them and every song on Everything in Transit <3
jen (askfor_me)

a. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
b. List 5 songs that start with that letter.
c. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

emily (emthegossipgirl)

1. Bruised - Jack's Mannequin
2. Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson
3. Baby, Come On - +44
4. Boys With Girlfriends - Meiko
5. Bullets - Augustana
HM. Brighter Than Sunshine - Aqualung

sylvia (alwaysfool)

1. Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon
3. Sore Thumb - The Format
4. The Sound of Settling - Death Cab For Cutie
5. Swing Life Away - Rise Against

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on...

sylvia (alwaysfool)

1. What is the best show of all time? Why?
Veronica Mars. See aboooove
2. What is the weirdest food you like?
Ummm frozen waffles? Haha I really don't like much weird food I'm pretty picky.
3. Tell me a childhood memory that stands out.
Wellll i ate a spoon of chocolate milk powder once. and there was the time I cut my head open falling off a fisher price car. And the time I got HEAD-BUTTED BY A BILLY GOAT
4. If you could only listen to one musical artist/musician for the rest of your life who would it be? and why?
Probably Blink-182. they're not my absolute favorite, but I think they're the ones that wouldn't ever get old.
5. Chris Lowell on LAWKI or on Private Practice?
I am ashamed to say I never watched Life As We Know It. But I think he would be cooler on that LOL.

gabby (delacourt)

1. Heels or flats?
2. If you knew you were going to die in one day and could choose anyone in the world to meet, dead or alive, who would that be, considering that person would be the last one you'd see or talk to?
Chuck Palahniuk.
3. You have a date tonight. What would you wear?
Well if it's just a casual date probably just jeans and a T-shirt with more jewelry than usual lol. But I pick it to be a more fancy date, and I would wear this adorable dress I just bought the other day~
4. BOO! Someone sneaks up on you during a horror/suspense movie. Your reaction?
SCREAAAAAAAAAAAM. But laugh about it. I'm not very sensitive about that sort of thing.
5. Visit the world in a year or live in your favourite country forever, knowing you can go anywhere from there with no hurry?
Oh definitely the second one. I'd much rather take my time.

molly (wontfindlove)

1. If you could have sex with anyone in the world, who would it be?
The entire Gossip Girl cast? =)
2. If you could kill anyone in the world, and get away with it, who would it be?
A month ago I would have had the answer to this, I'd actually even thought about it, but this person is no longer such a waste of space on this planet.
3. What DVD would you bring with you on a deserted island?
Mean Girls if I can bring only one. Veronica Mars s2 if I can bring a box set.
4. Ever been in love?
No. Which totally depresses me. I've never really given a flying fuck about any of the guys I've dated and it's fairly frustrating.
5. What pisses you off the most about Veronica Mars?
Veronica's obsession with finding her mother first season. I can totally understand the plotline and why it's there, but it's frustrating because I despise her mother and I'm like, can't you just do without her?

aaaaaaand finally

happy now?


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