I'm cranky because:
- I feel inexplicably exhausted.
- I keep missing a certain someone. I can't believe it's been a week already.
- The job offer was uninteresting to say the least.
- I don't know what to write my thesis about.
- I'm worried about my folks being so tense/frustrated/sad because of the whole lost cause.
- LJ just ate my post and it was actually nicely written, I mean, not this lazy list of random things.
Oh, well.
On a happier note, earlier this afternoon, I found
this little gem and I just had to capture the interesting part and share it with you all. Yes, even those who couldn't care less! =P
I just love the totally unmanly (yes, I'm biased and proud of it, shut up!) way in which Nick kisses Kevin and rubs his back and the 'see you later, bro'. Ah, it's almost as if my babes knew when I need this stuff the most. =P
Speaking of them, I wrote my NicKev contribution for
ship_manifesto, which I'll post here, too, even if they give me permission to post it there, which I doubt.
Before I finally get to the part the poor
kimberlyfdr has been waiting for over a week, I'd like to post a couple of pictures. ;)
This is the gorgeous t-shirt my
fiore_di_fuoco gave me for my birthday. *loves*
She also gave me the three bigger badges my bag is sporting. *loves some more* =D
And now an article I found the other day in a special tv series book I remembered owning:
Even though it's pretty mean towards David, I like it because it even mentions the homoeroticness of the show! =)
Earlier last week,
kimberlyfdr sent me a bunch of media/pieces of info and I'd like to offer my 2 cents on them:
- I have to admit I was a bit shocked by what she told me about David having been involved with Andy Warhol's Factory; not so much because he didn't strike me as the type of person who would do that (mind you, I'm saying this in the most non-judgmental way possible, I mean, I don't think any less of him because of this..if anything I feel sorry for him!) as in relation to the way he acts around Paul.
What I'm trying to say is that, even though it doesn't necessarily have to mean anything in general, I'm positively susprised - impressed, even - by how comfortable he seems while being so touchy-feely with Paul, in light of his past and, more importantly, in light of the hard feelings he (understandably) still has towards that time of his life.
- Among the goodies
kimberlyfdr sent me, there are two clips from the 1976 and 1977 People's Choice Awards. The second one is my favorite. Everything, from the way David waits for Paul to stand up to Paul's tender caress, not to mention their speeches, are too cute for words.
- Then there's this adorable clip from E! in which the interviewer, who's talking about the movie, says, '..apparently they don't really follow the storyline itself, because you guys were more of a drama, this is gonna be a hardcore comedy, right?' and they simply go with a 'We haven't seen it!. Simultaneously. And immediately look into each other's eyes and laugh.
Could they be any more married?!? I don't think so. ♥
- She also sent me another lovely clip from the Today Show. What I most like about it is this feeling I get, as if they had trouble focusing on anyone who's not the other for too long. I mean, they tend to get so wrapped up into each other it's not even funny. Seriously, though, it's great to see how attentive one is when the other's talking. It reminds me of some NicKev moments. =D Plus, them watching the movie for the first time sitting together and reminiscing about filming the show? I can just picture them doing something like that.
- 'Finally', my favorite clip from the ones I've seen so far. Again, it's from the 2004 UK Tour and it shows David talking about the main appeal of the show being the fact that it's about a deep friendship, while Paul looks intently at him. Which causes David to stop and say, 'Would you stop looking at me? You know what that does to me when you do that. You make me self-conscious, insecure..' and Paul is, like, 'I know, I know, but you look so cute, you look so cute.'
kimberlyfdr gives me permission to do that, I'll gladly upload these for anyone who's interested/curious. ;) I wish I could find better quality versions of some clips, but they're absolutely priceless and enjoyable anyways.
I've also been jotting down some favorite quotes of mine, mostly from the episodes I've watched lately, but I'll leave that to another time. ;)